Most watched movie on Netflix Colombia

Most watched movie on Netflix Colombia

In addition to his famous roles in films such as Titanic, The Wolf of Wall Street, The Aviator, or The Revenant, the latter earned him an Academy Award for American actor Leonardo DiCaprio She has become one of the most influential in recent times due to her defense of the planet.

Also, the environmental activist, who attended this year United Nations Conference On Climate Change (COP26), held in Glasgow, Scotland, to meet with political leaders, he thanked the President of Ecuador, Guillermo Laso, for creating a new marine reserve in the Galapagos archipelago.

The 47-year-old artist is always ready to take part in any project that allows him to send a message to humanity encouraging it to take action to avoid global warming or any other underlying danger as much as possible.

That’s why he accepted the director’s call Adam McKay To participate in the apocalyptic comedy Don’t Look Up, in which, along with Jennifer Lawrence, they fall into the shoes of two astronomers trying to warn humanity of a comet that will destroy Earth in six months.

However, his warning is not taken seriously by the scientific community itself, today’s politicians and the inhabitants of this planet. Then he begins his real battle at the hands of some media to stop the impending disaster.

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