Netflix | This is the perfect movie to watch on Saturday May 15th

Netflix |  This is the perfect movie to watch on Saturday May 15th

We have a new recommendation for this Saturday May 15th Watch it on Netflix this weekend. It comes to the bar Runs (Run-United States / 2020) available on the platform.

This movie is directed by Anish Chaganti And championship Sarah Paulson Which lasts 89 minutes and is only suitable for people over 15 years old. They are their debut Netflix on November 20, 2020.

Poster for the movie “Run”. Photo: Private

What is the movie about?

The story of the movie revolves around Diane (Sarah Paulson) who gives birth to her daughter Chloe (Keira Allen) prematurely, and who is immediately rushed to receive emergency treatment.

Next, definitions of the diseases and conditions that Kidney lives with, such as Asthma, arrhythmias, hemochromatosis, diabetes and paralysis.

Seventeen years later renal He suffers from a chronic disease because of which he is forced to use a wheelchair. She takes various medications, is taught at home by Diane, and has a passion for technology and engineering.

Diane is a single mother and takes care of all of Chloe’s needs. At a home schooling parents’ meeting, Diane relies on Chloe’s ability to thrive when she wants to go to college.

If you are not satisfied with this movie, we leave another for you to try by clicking here.


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