picture. They injure a puppy with an arrow, it goes through the neck and vets remove it

picture.  They injure a puppy with an arrow, it goes through the neck and vets remove it

Mill Palmas, California.- It was a Chihuahua puppy arrow in the neckbut is expected to survive after vets remove the projectile, according to authorities in Southern California.

A woman called 911 on Monday to report injured dog in a neighborhood near the town of Desert Hot Springs after hearing the pup “scream,” Riverside County Animal Services said in a statement.

The county deputy sheriff brought the 4-month-old girl and handed her to the Animal Services Officer, who took her to the Coachella Valley Animal Sanctuary.

The veterinarian said arrow The pup’s vital arteries were not touched and the projectile was withdrawn.

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“It is disgusting for someone to intentionally shoot this poor pup with an arrow,” Erin Gates, director of animal services, said in the statement. “We are shocked and hope someone can give us some information on who did this.”

Gates said the agency will continue to care for and work for the puppy find him a home.

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Vet Emily Ellison said the pup is affectionate.

“I can’t imagine why anyone would do such a terrible thing to such an innocent creature. He’s so sick,” Ellison said.

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