Popular Force Joins Pedro Castillo’s Removal Suggestion | The most important news and analysis in Latin America | DW

Popular Force Joins Pedro Castillo’s Removal Suggestion |  The most important news and analysis in Latin America |  DW

Former presidential candidate Keiko Fujimori announced on Friday (November 19, 2021) that her party is right-wing popular power He will sign the motion announced the day before by the third vice-president of Congress, Patricia Chirinos, to dismiss the President of Peru, Pedro Castillo, for “permanent moral impotence”.

“employment popular power We believe that this government shows a permanent inability to lead the country. For this reason, the bench popular power Decided to sign a proposal for a presidential position. Twitter.

“There are times when political groups have to define their positions, beyond rhetoric, into facts,” added the daughter and political heir of former President Alberto Fujimori (1990-2000), who lost last June in the second election round to Castillo. Soon, members of Congress popular power And they issued a statement in which they reaffirmed the position of their leader, considering it a “moral obligation” to support the request to impeach the president in light of the “bad governance” in which the country finds itself.

With these statements, the Fujimori party has become the third political group to show its support for the request to remove the president, which was presented on November 19 by the Parliamentary Chirinos, from the right-wing party. advanced countriesLed by economist Hernando de Soto.

The proposal also has the support of the far-right party popular renewal, whose leader, Rafael Lopez, was the first to raise the issue. Legislative seats in advanced countriesAnd popular power And popular renewal They would add a total of 43 votes in the Peruvian parliament, a number that might well exceed the 26 votes needed to formally introduce the motion, but would not be enough for acceptance into debate (52) and less for approval (87).

What did the executive branch in Castillo?

After the Prime Minister, Mírtha Vázquez, learned of the promotion of this initiative, she wrote a letter to the Speaker of Parliament to express her “astonishment and concern” and urged her “to stay away from this kind of assaults on governance”, which may “represent an assault on the popular will and thus on democracy” in country.

President Castillo was less clear, asserting — without explicitly mentioning impeachment requests — to the annual Conference of CEOs (CADE) that “governance is built between all, not just by one.”

“It is based on putting the interests of the nation at the forefront, without obstacles, without restrictions, without stalemates, and without violating the balance of power. A useless confrontation has done a lot of damage to the country and has only led to frustration and distrust of citizens, politicians and institutions,” the president stressed

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