Report a patient with metastatic renal cell carcinoma of the respiratory tract and thyroid gland

Report a patient with metastatic renal cell carcinoma of the respiratory tract and thyroid gland

One finding suggests using a safe approach to secure the airway if the tumor is affecting the lumen of the trachea.

Pictures of lesions found during the study. Pictures: Status link at the end of the note.

Malignant lesions of the thyroid gland appear mainly as A block in front of the neck with or without symptoms. Rarely, metastases from tumors outside the thyroid gland may migrate to this gland.

This particular type of lesion arises more frequently than renal cell carcinoma (RCC), which is a primary renal malignancy in adults. Symptoms may include hematuria, lower back pain, and a lump Perceptible and fever etiology Unknown.

However, this disease can begin asymptomatically, so the diagnosis can be made as a result of an accidental finding. Treatment may include surgery, targeted therapy, an experimental protocol, or palliative therapy for advanced disease.

However, an 88-year-old patient with a history of renal cell carcinoma who had been excised 25 years ago came to Emergencies for a large mass Anterior left in the neck that caused Shortness of breath and prolonged stridor inside the trachea. The Respiratory symptoms They advanced quickly and required urgent treatment in the operating room to ensure they were working.

According to the owners of the case, the symptoms that appeared on the woman were due to An unusual form of a malignant tumor From an RCC that has compromised the patient’s respiratory functions to such an extent that it requires urgent intervention in the operating room, through endotracheal intubation.

This case reinforces that metastases of RCC to the thyroid gland can occur 25 Years after the initial diagnosis. For this reason, lifelong follow-up is recommended Patients diagnosed with renal cell carcinomasay researchers attached to the Department of Otolaryngology and the Department of Pathology on the Medical Sciences Campus.

This is the first time that the use of cold instruments to excise an intraluminal tracheal lesion from an RCC to secure the pathway has been documented. Air in an emergency in a safe way.

access to the case here.

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