Roundabout vs traffic light: which is better?

Roundabout vs traffic light: which is better?

According to studies conducted by experts and cities in European and American countries,… Gazebos (also called roundabouts or even “clovers”) are generally better than traffic signals at regulating traffic.

Although of course there are specific scenarios Traffic lights They've gotten better.

the Gazebos In general, they offer advantages in aspects that, when weighed, are superior to those of traffic lights:

  • Reduced traffic accidents.
  • Their accidents are usually less serious and rarely fatal compared to traffic lights.
  • Safer for pedestrians and cyclists.
  • Better traffic flow. It is continuous and avoids traffic jams.
  • Less waiting time. A roundabout forces you to slow down and perhaps stop for a few seconds, but with a traffic light you can stop for several seconds.
  • They are less expensive in the long run than traffic lights.
  • It helps reduce fuel consumption and thus reduce emissions.

Roundabouts: 10 times less risk.

The U.S. Federal Highway Administration (Fhwa) estimates that more than 25% of all motor vehicle crashes that result in injuries or deaths occur at or near intersections.

In addition, about 10,000 Americans typically die each year in crashes and other road accidents at intersections.

In their study, they found that where they removed a traffic light to create a roundabout, collisions between cars were reduced by 38%.

Most importantly, deaths resulting from collisions between cars at a roundabout are 90% lower than at traffic lights.

This indicates that crossing a traffic light is ten times more dangerous for drivers than a roundabout.

The main reason is that vertigo forces the driver to turn the steering wheel and slow down, reducing the risk of serious accidents.

Studies conducted in three cities in New Hampshire, New York and Washington states showed that vehicle delays at roundabouts are reduced by 89%, and vehicles stopping that have to brake are reduced by 56% at traffic lights.

Research in Kansas analyzed eleven vehicular intersections where they found 65% fewer delays and 52% fewer traffic stops.

Types of gazebos.

The problem with rotors is also mainly related to size and design.

Roundabouts should be built with studies proportional to the flow of the area, as it is important to conduct road and mobility studies.

Although in situations with a large flow of cars, traffic lights are usually recommended, there are huge models of roundabouts to speed up large numbers of vehicles.

Where is the best traffic light?

According to a publication by ACS Engineers, a traffic light is more appropriate in some situations:

– At high-speed intersections.

-For intersections where a main road meets one or another secondary road.

-Roads with a high flow of vehicles and where it is not possible to build a huge roundabout.

Reject rotors

Cheddar published an article in English titled “Why the US Hates Roundabouts,” in which it explains that although they are better than traffic lights in most cases, the main problem is that many drivers do not know how to use roundabouts.

In the United States, traffic fatalities are a serious problem, which is why local governments and cities have increased construction of roundabouts to regulate crossings.

Despite this, movements emerged that rejected the construction of roundabouts, and they even led to protests, despite the benefits, especially in European countries where the implementation of roundabouts is widespread.

As a historical context, in the US they are not very popular because in the last century there was a traffic circle similar to roundabouts but with traffic lights in the middle of the flow which made waiting very boring.

Cheddar interviewed civil engineer Gordon Meath, who explained the main problems Americans face that make them reject roundabouts, which are:

– Americans are accustomed and comfortable with a traffic light telling them what to do, so they don't have to pay attention to the road.

-Red light creates the “illusion” of safety.

-Drivers simply don't know how to use roundabouts.

To obtain a driver's license in most US states, a motorist does not even have to prove that he or she knows how to use roundabouts.

-Lack of awareness.

Learn how to walk around the roundabout.

When drivers learn to use roundabouts, their view of them changes, according to a study by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety.

Authorities around the world often share drawings to explain to residents how to use roundabouts.

This is how the Spanish Civil Guard explains how to use it.

Supplemental videos explaining the benefits or showing what flow looks like comparing roundabouts and traffic lights.

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