Starfall “Tears of San Lorenzo”; Here is all about them
The Perseids are what some consider the most amazing cosmic light show, and according to specialists it can be seen from last July 17 and will end on July 23, but pico From meteor showers will reach between 11 And on August 13.
During this period, a higher rate of meteors will flow across the sky, even 200 celestial bodies per hourBetween 9:00 pm and 12:00 am
Outside the Perseid peak period, we should be able to spot some meteors between midnight and sunrise, any weekday morning after that date.
How do?
According to NASA, to get a glimpse of this phenomenon, we must look up and north, as those in southern latitudes will be able to look to the northeast to see more meteorites.
The best way to appreciate the night view is to visit places without light pollution or without bright lights where flashes can get lost.
Eyes must be at least 30 minutes away from bright lights, including cell phone lights, to be able to distinguish rain naturally.
Why do they call them “Tears of Saint Lawrence” or the Persians?
They are known as the “Tears of San Lorenzo”, because on August 10 their saints are celebrated. They are also recognized as Perseids because they were thought to have come from the constellation Perseus, according to their apparent path; After finding out that it is not.
What are they?
Actually you see how Comet debris gets hot When they enter the Earth’s atmosphere and They burn in a dash of bright lightNS.
When they are in space, they travel to 59 kilometers per secondThese bits of debris are roughly called “meteorites,” but when they reach Earth’s atmosphere without burning up, they’re called “meteorites.”
It is called “rain”, because most of the bodies of the Perseids are too small to be meteors, because they are from grain size of sand.
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