The Commission and the European Union launch an interactive film on the migration of Venezuelans to Ecuador

The Commission and the European Union launch an interactive film on the migration of Venezuelans to Ecuador

MADRID, March 24 (European press) –

This Thursday, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and the European Union presented a 360-degree interactive film that tells the story of a young Venezuelan woman who fled the Caribbean country to Ecuador.

Specifically, the virtual reality film, On the Other Side, tells the story of Ariana, who is forced to leave Venezuela and, after crossing from Colombia on foot, attempts to be reunited with her older sister in Ecuador, where she hopes to resume. her studies and realize her dream of becoming a doctor.

The film depicts some of the “countless dangers” faced by refugees and migrants, who, like Ariana, go through hardships during their displacement, braving the cold and exposing themselves to dangers such as exploitation and abuse.

The film, in which viewers will make three major decisions with Ariana, that will determine her future, is a fantasy, but it is based on true stories. It was developed with dozens of refugees and migrants in Ecuador and will allow the public to “put themselves in their shoes and face the difficult decisions that these people have to make on a daily basis.”

According to a statement, the film seeks to create “sympathy” among European and global audiences about the situation of Venezuelans who have been forced to leave their country due to insecurity, persecution and a general lack of essential supplies and services. With more than six million Venezuelans refugees and migrants, the exodus of Venezuelans is one of the largest external displacement crises in the world. Of these, more than half a million people have found a home in Ecuador.

“We hope this project will help the public understand the courage and resilience that refugees and migrants must show during the dangerous journeys they make,” said Jose Samaniego, UNHCR Americas Director.

In parallel, he stressed that the film “highlights the need to continue providing emergency assistance to Venezuelans who leave their country”, while “investing in solutions to ensure that they are able to contribute to their host communities.”

Meanwhile, Alvaro de Vicente, Head of the Regional Office of the Directorate General of Civil Protection and European Humanitarian Aid Operations of the European Commission (DG ECHO) for Latin America and the Caribbean, Alvaro de Vicente, emphasized that “After several years of crisis: Venezuelans continue to be forced to leave their country, it is necessary To remember that humanitarian needs are continuing and even getting worse.”

“I hope that this project will help us not to forget the critical situation experienced by all displaced Venezuelans,” he added, before expressing his regret that “the time that has passed since the beginning of the crisis has not succeeded in finding a solution. On the contrary.” “It must be shown,” he stressed.

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