The epidemic marked Alboran music: ‘It helped me understand many things’

The epidemic marked Alboran music: ‘It helped me understand many things’

During his trip to Uganda, Pablo Alboran told how he faced the break he decided to take in 2015 due to a personal and professional crisis. “It all became automated and I started not enjoying my parties or interviews or singing my songs. It was a gift to be able to stop and do the things that any human would do. The first thing I did was clean my fridge, I found gifts without letters and open letters. I was filled with inspiration. And it started even more strongly.”

In addition, he admitted that he is also currently going through a complex and different moment: “I am in a moment where I see that everything has changed very quickly and there is an excess of information. I wonder if people taste songs as before, the same thing happens with movies or Trips “.

Pablo Alboran collapsed during his trip to Uganda and admitted he was going through a new crisis: ‘Coming was a gift from heaven’

Alboran told Jesus Calleja what he’s doing to try to prevent this little “hole” from getting worse: “We take breaks when we can, and cooperate and recharge the batteries on trips like this.”

In addition, the singer from Malaga spoke about how he was exposed to the coronavirus epidemic and what it was like when he released a record in full confinement: “The epidemic has been a lesson for all of us. Release a record in the middle of the epidemic helped me understand many things. I don’t know if it was Humanity has learned a lot from this, but I have learned.”

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