The full success of the Nanbudo Tokunetsu Traditional Christmas Tournament – Sports

The full success of the Nanbudo Tokunetsu Traditional Christmas Tournament – Sports

On Saturday, the traditional Nanbudo Tokunetsu Christmas 2021 Tournament was held. The facilities of the Ibón de Huesca gymnasium have received many nanbudukas from different clubs, developing the all-morning competition as an exclusively Kata technique.

All the participants showed high-level work in this way, and the task was not easy after it was the first tournaments held in person since the beginning of the epidemic.

In the Randori Tori class, Arles Sazatornil took first place, while Jara Barcos did it in the Shiho Tai class. In Kata Nanbo there was Javier Gracia and in Ikuoku it was time for Sofia Carrasco, just as Mireya Gonzalez and Pedro Perez were the most prominent of the Kata Supreme and Veterans respectively.

During February the Joe Randori National Free Fighting Cup is held, on the other hand in March and May Mariano Carrasco will direct two international courses in Nanbudo, one in Morocco and the other in the United States, while in April he will conduct the international stage of Nanbudo in Huesca with exams 4, 5 and 6 and 7 Dan, where many participants from different countries are expected to attend.

The final results:

Categoria Randori Toure
1º Arles Sazatornil
2º Oscar Mina
3º Eyor Maz

Shihu Tai class
First jar boats
Noah’s second boat
3º Mario Lacambra

Kata Nanpo variety
1 Javier Gracia
Maria Carrasco II
Third Candela Allegri

Ikyoku class
Sofia Carrasco I
2 Eric Claveria
3rd Minerva Broncano

Superior Kata Class
First Mireya Gonzalez
Second Lear Milan
3 Miguel Lacasa

Veteran class
Pedro Perez I
Jose Angel Alegre II
3 Belen Ortega

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