8 Funny Tales of Con Aguero: Smuggling Snacks With Messi, The Most Disturbing Moment In China And The Day He Played As A Winger

8 Funny Tales of Con Aguero: Smuggling Snacks With Messi, The Most Disturbing Moment In China And The Day He Played As A Winger
Messi, Aguero and Copa America. A pure talent relationship and stories

Sergio “Con” Aguero He has countless funny anecdotes as a footballer at every stage of his long career as a footballer, which ended up due to health issues.

For example, when he was asked at a press conference in Brazil before the 2014 World Cup final if he knew what had happened to his teammate Javier Mascherano In the semi-final against the Netherlands (he opened the year by blocking a shot from Dutchman Arjen Robben), he responded gracefully. “I found out that day at lunch, because we thought he had a contracture and he said ‘No, I said in the press my anus opened up’ and I thought ‘How would he say that?’ And if this is the truth… it happens that defenders or midfielders usually happen because they play more to constantly throw themselves on the ground. It never happened to me, but many of them told me ‘Yes, it happened to us many times’. It has never happened to me but it hurts me. This is why I don’t jump.”.

Your reaction to meeting Lionel Messi

Aguero told how it was time to meet Lionel Messi, one of his best friends in football today. “One day we were eating with Leo in the youth team focus and I didn’t know who he was. He was on my right, Ezequiel Garay in front, and Lautaro Formica, on the other side. They were talking about sneakers. Leo said something like that in the States… Something like that I heard. And I thought “How about this…?” And since I watched matches from Argentina but not from abroad, I asked him his name because I didn’t know him. He said “Lionel” and I said “Oh, like me, almost” (his middle name Lionel), “But your surname?” He answered me: “Messi,” I said, “Ah,” as if there was nothing, and Formica told me “Do you not know who he is?” And I concluded, from the news that there is a Barcelona player, and I said to myself, “This is it.” Already in the first training session I said to myself ‘This flies.’ After that, we started laughing and became friends and put Miguel Tojo in the room together since 2005 ″. Messi remembers it: “He looked at me and looked at me and at one point he asked me ‘Hey, who are you?'” “Kun was a character, he was 15. It was like now, but worse”.

smuggling snacks

Another anecdote by Sergio Aguero and Messi in the days of the youth teams: “At that time we used the internet at the hotel reception and the teacher (Gerardo) Salorio told us that at the age of 23 we all had to be in the rooms, that Leo He was emailing a member of his family, and he was There is 3 minutes left until the clock and I said “let’s go because the teacher is going to hit us with fart.” When we were leaving We saw a vending machine. I suggested he take us some french fries, and he said, “Go ahead.”. We arrived when 1-2 minutes passed after 23 and Salorio was waiting for us at the room door. “Look what time it is now.” We both looked at the ground. I could see a lump and he asked me what to wear there. I had to pay a fine in euros and then we blamed ourselves, because I wasted time wanting to get off the machine, and me, because it stayed online“.

remote control dilemma

Over time, Aguero and Messi’s focus together on the Argentine team has become a classic. Kun told an anecdote about coexistence during the 2015 Copa America in Chile: “One day, Liu said to me ‘Take the remote control.’ I left the TV, I saw she turned around and I thought ‘she was already asleep’ and two seconds later she said ‘Why don’t you turn off the TV?” And I tell him… “But if I go to sleep and he tells me to control it, it’s because that way I can watch TV, if not, then turn it off” But in the end, I turned it off. But we laugh a lot. The other day we thought we’d been focused together for ten years. I said ‘Think about how many years you’ve been in the room with me’ (because Messi’s birthdays always coincide with the big leagues.) But I don’t give him anything, my existence is already.”

The day he went to see Boca by Riquelme and the letter at a distance from Roman

“I loved how (Juan Roman) Riquelme was playing,” says Aguero. “One day, my godfather said to me ‘I’m a friend of Roman, are we going to see him?'” It was Tuesday and Wednesday they were playing in the Copa Libertadores. He insisted ‘Let’s go to Boca court.’ He said to him, ‘No, I’m not going to that court’, but he kept saying he’s a friend of Riquelme, so I told my dad I wanted to go meet him Well, go ahead, go ahead, and I said to him ‘but it’s Boca Court’ and then he said ‘Okay, but don’t shout anything, right? You have to go and shut up. We were in preference and I was calm. I was looking at Riquelme, no more. When I met With him later in the national team, I didn’t know what to do, I remembered when I was going to see him play.” On January 3, 2019, Manchester City beat Liverpool 2-1 by the date of the 21st of the English Premier League, and one of the two goals of “Ciudadanos” was converted by Aguero with the left foot. After that match, the striker’s phone was filled with messages but one of them was very private and funny. “She was from Roman, and he told me ‘how bad you are.’ He even realized I didn’t want to throw the ball in there.”

Autograph language

“At an event in China that we went to with Atletico Madrid, we were with Maxi Rodriguez and other teammates and some Chinese came to us to sign some pictures for them. They didn’t speak at all. They brought the pictures and we signed them. Between them all, I noticed that a Chinese woman came back with each group with a new photo, Like the first time. I fell on it four or five times until I said again? That’s heavy! And I immediately heard him say, ‘Sorry? Was that a bother? He told me if I bothered you, and I told him as often as I could “No, I said how heavy it is though… Yes, there are several pictures, right?”. He asked me again if this bothered me. When Maxi left he burst out laughing. The only Chinese who spoke Spanish came to me.”

At City he became the club's all-time leading scorer... and learned to beat the strongest defenders, pleading for mischief (EFE / EPA / JAMES BOARDMAN / File)
At City he became the club’s all-time leading scorer… and learned to beat the strongest defenders, pleading for mischief (EFE / EPA / JAMES BOARDMAN / File)

Ultimate universe?

The anecdote was interesting when he went for the test Lanos, before landing in Independent. “I sat behind the whole thing with Christian’s friend. So, we were the last to be asked ‘what are you playing?’ Christian said ‘who’s 9’ ready. When they asked me, I said ‘10’ and they told me the position had been taken. They asked me then ‘Would you dare to?’ Play 4?” I was used to playing upstairs in the neighborhood, but I was already there, so I said to myself ‘Okay, I’ll catch the ball, I’m going ahead, I’ll play ball.’ I played an okay game and went home to wait for the call for a new test, but I realized that for some reason they didn’t want me. My father, to protect me, never told me what had happened. Years later, I was playing as a baby for Independiente and met a coach who, as I remember, was from Lanus. I told my old man that this was the one who tested me from 4. He told me “Let him tell you what happened.” The man said to me, “I want to kill myself.” My dad later told me that they wanted defenders to be big and that was why they didn’t like me. The old man made such a trip to Lanus to see how I play and I wouldn’t tell him I don’t play 4. The thing is, I didn’t stay at Lanos because I was young and still young. The point is, they got the wrong attitude“.

anti tablet

Aguero recounted what happened recently in a match between Manchester City and Arsenal. “Eric Garcia (later his Barcelona teammate) came at the end of the first half and said to me ‘Kun, in the corner someone is pinching me as if it’s your pinch.’ I said, ‘Tread on her, step on her!’ The same thing, to a fart. I say it now that they They all listen to me because they’re going to pinch me, but I’m not going to protect anyway. I can’t do anything because the VAR is there. The only thing left is to tread on it “accidentally.” If you pinch, sorry. Run, put yourself in my shoes. Small steps hurt “.

Read on:

How rich is Kun Agüero and why is he referring to esports for a happier future
The full story of Con Aguero: his outburst, oddities with Messi and how he evaded fines at City

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