The influencer discovers her boyfriend’s betrayal thanks to her smartwatch

The influencer discovers her boyfriend’s betrayal thanks to her smartwatch

At the age of Social media Finding love, or adventure, has its advantages, it may be easier to match someone who is looking for the same thing as you, but also to know everyone thanks to the posts and geolocation. That is the reason Soaps They are definitely very keen to avoid betraying the digital platforms. But there are elements that many unimaginable can play against, such as a smart watch Allowed Effect Find out Her boyfriend was cheating on her.

Nadia Essex She became famous in the UK for being a relationship expert on the reality show Celebs Go Dating in which she appeared from 2016 to 2018. She has appeared on other shows after that, although she has remained in the public spotlight thanks to her. Social media Through it, he revealed how he learned that They were betraying him.

The Effect 39-year-old narrated the story when responding to a video clip where the user is Tik Tok Megan_boykoff asked people to share the moment they realized their relationship was over.

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In Nadia’s video, which has already exceeded 551 thousand views in addition to 59 thousand likes and has hundreds of comments, she explains that her smart watch Fitbit He alerted her to strange activity in the wee hours of the morning.

In the passage it says: “When my Ex-boyfriend He came home after a night out, woke up in the morning and thought I would make breakfast for him. Then I got a notification on a file Fitbit, FitBit that we had synchronous Together, which showed that between 2 am and 3 am this past morning, he was there I burned more than 500 calories. “

Nadia did not give details of how she confronted her friend or whether he had provided any explanation. He simply indicates that, unable to contain his anger, he decided to “pay that breakfast where the sun does not rise”.

Most of the Tik Tok Those who watched the video showed their support for the story and congratulated her on ending the relationship. Although there were also those who were joking about purchasing it smart watch Your partner, or get rid of you; Others indicated that the activity could not last for an hour and that 500 calories was too much. Some even told him that there could be other explanations, such as that he was dancing or that he had to participate in a fight which is why he burned so many calories at that time in the morning, but no one answered them that he confirmed that he was betrayal.

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Oh no – Kreepa

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While Nadia’s story may seem unusual, it should be noted that she is not the first “famous” woman to reveal that she caught a boyfriend cheating on him thanks to a smartwatch.

In December 2019, Jane Slater, A sports reporter for the American Football League in the United States, revealed that their relationship was ended due to FitBit. In this case, the woman reports that her ex-boyfriend gave her this Activity Monitor For Christmas and they decided to sync them to support them to have a healthier life and move more.

However, she revealed through her Twitter account that one day she received an alert for her boyfriend’s increased activity levels at 4 am. “I hope the story isn’t real,” he wrote, then adding that he wasn’t in the gym class early in the morning just in case someone thought of defending him.

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