The Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation has handed over the equipment to five production associations in Cundinamarca

The Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation has handed over the equipment to five production associations in Cundinamarca

(Cundinamarca, December 23, 2022). The equipment has been delivered to five production associations from Medina, Sibaté, Simijaca, Cachipay and Vergara, through the Cundilab II 4.0 project, which aims to generate scientific, technological and innovative capabilities, through the transfer of technology and knowledge, and to generate added value for their goods and services.

As explained by Nelly Yolanda Rossi Quiroga, Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, “We have carried out this equipment delivery in accordance with the development plan ‘Cundinamarca Region Progressing’ as an investment in the transfer of knowledge and its appropriation as a basis for the marketing of products with added value that allow solving the needs and problems of the territory. Each of these consortia received equipment in modern and relevant technological infrastructure, to develop positive economic dynamics for their region”

For his part, William Rodolfo Arias Gonzalez, the supervisor of the Condilab project, explained, “This endowment was handed over to the selected associations by a public invitation held in November 2022, whose investment represents an amount of 35 million each, as follows: And also:

  • Asociación Agropecuaria Campesina de Medina (Agrocamed): Pelletizer, mixer, mill and egg spreader.
  • Sibateña Association of Agricultural Producers (Asiproagros): bone saw, meat mixer, sausage grill, hamburger maker, vacuum packer for industrial work.
  • Agricultural Ecology Association Apricristales in the municipality of Simijaca (Apicoc): Rotary cultivator, chopper, standard beehive, nucleus of four (4) squares without packaging, pollen collecting trap, medium super with 9 sealed squares and queens excluded.
  • Cachipay Fruit Growers Association (Asfruca): Industrial fruit washer and electric pruning shears.
  • Guayacundo Environmental Corporation (Caguay) of the Municipality of Vergara: classification unit, fermentation tank, washer, electric motor fermenter, maintenance and operation platform, sc-20 coffee dryer.

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