The movie that didn’t win an Oscar: “Wolfwalkers” by Tom Moore and Ross Stewart

The movie that didn’t win an Oscar: “Wolfwalkers” by Tom Moore and Ross Stewart

“Wolfwalkers” could have won an Oscar yesterday. But she certainly didn’t. I write, because that’s how newspapers are made, at a time when yesterday’s winners are not yet known, but with the near certainty that the Oscar for the animated film has been given to Soul, that beautiful film about things worthwhile. This Life. It is a well-deserved Oscar, which should not be doubted, but if the beautiful European production that concerns us today had won, it would have also been a just victory, in recognition of the traditional two-dimensional animation, which has been brought to the highest levels of perfection, thanks to the style of the stylized character, influenced by stained glass; It is to the highly imaginative use of perspective, in the manner of medieval comic books, and the color palette that give “Wolfwalkers” that enduring mythical atmosphere that fits a story about forest dwellers able to transform into wolves.

It happens in this category, as in many others, that the very fact of having a tie is so difficult, it is indeed an injustice. “Wolfwalkers” may not only have a hero from an ethnic minority, like “Soul,” but they are also able to speak, from imagination, about the prejudices we have towards someone different. This is why the heroine’s girl, Robin, who is a hunter, will have to change her view of the world when she meets Mebh, the girl who transforms. And if we add to this his environmental message and schematic about the difficulties of communication between a father and teenage daughter, “Wolfwalkers” must be a stronger contender for “spirit.”

And here comes the sad part of the matter: There are other titles they have earned, which they didn’t win yesterday. Because like all human choices, the Oscars are influenced by elements that have nothing to do with cinematic quality and more to do with the social and cultural climate of the United States (where the majority of voters belong), or by certain obsessions of American society. But beware, as with “Wolfwalkers” there isn’t much treacherous injustice (although there are), as in a fairer world the other titles would have been worthy of a consolation prize or medal of merit.

You can pin this medal to “Wolfwalkers” when you’ve finished watching it on Apple TV. In the same drawer there will be one for David Fincher, who may not have won any of the 10 categories in which “Mank” was nominated, and another for Anthony Hopkins, who should have shared the award in his lifetime with the late Chadwick Boseman. , surely he got it yesterday: Both explanations are superior, but it is Hopkins’ shoulders that support the “father” proposal. Next to him will be the producers of “Colectiv,” the Romanian documentary that reminds us of what the press was like and how communities themselves are responsible in every election, for their own destiny of corruption and disgrace. It won’t guarantee him a better Oscar. But at least it would have given us some less obvious winners.

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