the super rich watch their wealth grow; Inequality also increases

the super rich watch their wealth grow;  Inequality also increases

Mexico City /

the world richthat is, those who have it luck Net worth is over a billion dollars Representing 1 percent of the population, they have seen their wealth increase. However, at the same time inequalityrefers to the last report of Oxfam.

since the beginning COVID-19 pandemic Until the end of 2022, the ultra-rich, totaling 2,655 people in the world who have seen extraordinary increases in their wealth, earn $2,700 million per day.

To change the size of this increment: Four days of profits by the global wealthy during the pandemic will be enough to end extreme poverty in Mexico For a year and with 42 days of that earnings, we’ll kill poverty. All without compromising their pre-pandemic wealth or the rest of their earnings.

However, the tax issues and use inflation They have been key to increasing wealth in the hands of a few and creating inequality among the people. This factor is bypassed Salary increase 1.7 billion workers in the world.


Latin america From 61 to 91 billionaires, it is Brazil The country in the region with the largest number of billionaires, followed by Mexicowhich includes 15 super rich people, in which the businessman stands out Carlos Slim.

In fact, the Foundation considers that “impact Carlos SlimThe richest man in Mexico And one of the 10 richest people in the world, certainly significant. Oxfam International realizes it in Latin america Nobody is richer than him.

According to the document, his wealth has grown since the beginning of the pandemic. 42 percent, about 25 thousand 500 million dollars, thus increasing his wealth by 787 million per month in a country where 8.5 million people live in extreme poverty, living on less than 3 dollars a day, and no more than 60 pesos, in various economic and social fields. Deprivation.

The areas in which the wealthy do most of their business are energy, mining, finance, entertainment, healthcare, and the hospital sector.

Besides increasing the wealth of just 91 people, 12 million people in the region have joined the ranks of extreme povertyAccording to a study conducted by Oxfam International.

another end

Oxfam International He indicated that the Real wages They lost 10 percent of the value in the same time period and 201 million people (32.1 percent of the total population) live in poverty, of which 82 million (13.1 percent) live in extreme poverty.

Likewise, the Insecurity Four out of 10 people in the region consumed food at the end of last year.

Elon Muskone of the richest men in the world, paid a real tax rate of just over 3 percent between 2014 and 2018. Aber Christinea merchant from the north Uganda Whoever sells rice, flour and soybeans earns $80 a month. She pays a tax rate of 40 percent, ”this is how the financial inequality is embodied in the report.

Oxfam A global call for justice was made. This extraordinary increase in the wealth of economic elites is due to decades of tax cuts and exclusive benefits for the wealthy. In many countries, working people pay higher real tax rates than billionaires.

The report shows that taxes on the wealthy were much higher. Over the past 40 years, governments around the world have lowered tax rates for the wealthiest peopleat the same time as it increased taxes on goods and services, which fall disproportionately on the poorest and exacerbate gender inequality.

According to a new analysis by Combating Inequality Coalition, Institute for Policy StudiesAnd Oxfam s Patriotic millionairesAn annual wealth tax of up to 5 percent on the world’s billionaires and billionaires could raise $1.7 trillion annually, enough to lift two billion people out of poverty – a quarter of the world’s population.


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