The three most watched Netflix movies around the world »DUPLOS

The three most watched Netflix movies around the world »DUPLOS

The pandemic has made streaming platforms the preferred choice when it comes to watching movies. In fact, a recent study by Geely revealed this Netflix is ​​the most used by Chileans, with 88.7 percent of the preferences.

This success has also been replicated in many countries around the world, which is evidenced by the large number of views enjoyed by the series, films and documentaries that make up their catalog today.

Worldwide, there are currently three most watched and in-depth films We tell you what they are.

To all boys forever

The third and final installment of the trilogy based on the novels of American author Jenny Hahn stole the hearts of young adolescents and young men at heart.

The first movie To all the kids I have fallen in love with It premiered in 2018 and told the story of Lara Jane, a teenager who had to confront all the men she fell in love with, after her younger sister decided to send letters that Lara had written to them, but she didn’t dare to send them.

part two To all the boys: Note: I still love you Lara premiered in 2020 in the middle of a love triangle, and is forced to make a decision and follow her heart.

This month released the final part of this story, To all boys: forever In Lara again, she must make a decision: to pursue her dreams or pursue love?

News from the big world

It is a drama co-written and directed by Paul Greengrass, responsible for films such as “Bourne Supremacy”, “Flight 93” and “Captain Phillips”.

The film follows the story of a Civil War veteran, played by a two Oscar winner,Tom Hanks, That he should return a girl (Helena Zingle) stolen by Native Americans when she was young to the last of her remaining family.

The movie was released in theaters by Universal Pictures in the United States on December 25, 2020 and through Netflix this year, and received great reviews and a Golden Globe nomination for Zengel’s performance.

Ohana: A wonderful treasure

For many it is a Hawaiian version of “Goonies”. It tells the story of some teenagers who arrived on vacation on the island of Oahu. Upon finding a treasure house journal, the young men decide to go on an adventure while searching for the big loot.

Although critics weren’t very friendly with this movie, the movie was one of the most watched in the world, attracting a childish, teenage, and indulgent audience just seeking to spend quality family time. In this sense, Ohana complies.

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