The United States and France continue talks to restore relations after the American University of Kosovo crisis

The United States and France continue talks to restore relations after the American University of Kosovo crisis
Talks continue between the US and France to restore relations after the American University of Kosovo crisis (Photo: EFE)

The presidents of France, Emmanuel Macron, and the presidents of the United States, Joe Biden, insisted on Friday A new phone conversation allowed progress in restoring trust After the bilateral crisis that erupted in September over the sale of US submarines to Australia.

It is a statement, The Elysee explained that Macron and Biden talked about the ongoing work between the two countries “to ensure confidence.” and “to meet current challenges together, in particular to implement a stronger European defense, which is complementary to NATO and contributes to global security.”

leaders They welcomed the good progress in these works and agreed to deepen dialogue and cooperation between the two countries. At the meeting scheduled to be held in Rome at the end of this month on the occasion of the G20 summit that will be held there.

What is more, Macron hosts US Vice President Kamala Harris in ParisWhich will head to the French capital to participate in the so-called Paris Peace Forum on November 11 and an international conference on Libya on November 12.

Macron and Biden talked about the work going on between the two countries to
Macron and Biden spoke of the work being done between the two countries to “ensure trust”.

Relations between Paris and Washington It deteriorated sharply when a defense pact between the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia was announced on September 15.

The reason is that That deal includes the sale of US nuclear submarines to Australia, That is why it broke a contract to purchase conventional French submarines.

to express your displeasure, Macron even called his ambassador in Washington for a consultation At the same time, he insisted that the EU should increase its independence and sovereignty, especially in the field of defence.

to try to calm things down, The French President and Biden had a phone conversation on September 22 The latter admitted that he could have consulted more with France before signing the defense agreement with Australia and the United Kingdom.

The French government even recalled its ambassador in Washington for consultations (Image: Reuters)
The French government even recalled its ambassador in Washington for consultations (Image: Reuters)

Then We launched an “in-depth consultation process” that translates into more contacts between them and among the members of their departments.

Recently, the United States Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken, admitted they should have “performed better” to announce the AUKUS agreement with Australia and the United Kingdom And he regretted, “because the relationship with France is a given.”

“We are doing better because, following the instructions given by Presidents Joe Biden and Emmanuel Macron, What we’ve been doing for a few weeks now goes deeper, “Both in terms of consultation, communication and coordination on the most important issues that bind our two countries,” Blinken added in an interview with France 2 channel, which he gave as part of his visit to Paris.

(With information from EFE)

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