The ways cycling can help us – El Sol de México

The ways cycling can help us – El Sol de México

The World Bicycle Day It is celebrated on June 3 in support of the idea that bikes Contributes to cleaner air and reduced congestion, in addition to making educationHealth care and other social services are within the reach of the most vulnerable populations.

The bicycle It plays a very important role in physical activity. This has been especially evident during the pandemic, when buying bikes Fire up amid lockdown measures, cycling has remained a crucial alternative to public transportation, while providing benefit Physical activity Outdoors and social distancing. But even before the pandemic started, people’s interest in bicycles was growing.

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The Cycling The answer can be more than just Physical activity and epidemic problems. It can provide government officials with a way to deal with converging crises in Public Healthtransportation and weather. At the same time, the increased use of bicycles can create new economic opportunities, such as offering low-cost bicycles Transportation Sustainable and mechanized training of local communities to create employment opportunities.

As gasoline prices continue to rise due to the ongoing invasion of Ukraine, governments are urging citizens to consider bicycle. What is clear is that the ability of bicycle The response to pressing social issues has inspired both intrigue and optimism, particularly in the context of Covid-19.

Researchers Lindsey MC Hayhurst, Brad Millington, Brian Wilson, Janet Steinman, Jessica Nashman, and Mitchell McSweeney were interested in the social and environmental dimensions of sportsPhysical Activity, and Health with emphasis, for the work described here, on the perceived role of development in the emerging prosperity of Cycling.

So far, his research has attempted to map motion bikes for development, which is considered bicycle As a powerful technology with remarkable implications for social change and development goals.

Research shows that this movement is largely driven by the work of NGOs that provide bikes to communities around the world.

These initiatives can be entirely local, although they often cross international borders: organizations that bring together bikes Used in one place is sometimes sent to another. The bikes that are given to communities often come from donations, microfinance initiatives or social enterprises, such as those run by women in rural Uganda.

Over the past six years, her research in Canada, Nicaragua and Uganda has highlighted the main ways in which this is done. bikes For development seems to have positive effects. For example, access to bikes It can encourage mobility, which can create a variety of opportunities.

In Canada, research was conducted with communities in Toronto and Vancouver. Studies in Toronto Show how mutual aid organizations embrace bikes To respond to increasing food insecurity during a pandemic.

By focusing on the experiences of the LGBT+ community and cyclists racist, highlighting the ways in which diverse cyclists challenge systems of racial and gender oppression by using bicycle To break down stereotypes about who can participate in Cycling.

However, although bicycle Has positive potential, research has also shown that providing bikes Women and girls, in some ways, are full of tensions and challenges. For example, in Uganda, some women made it clear before receiving bicycle, They were mainly responsible for the care and other household chores such as cooking.

The fact that the help promoted bikes It can have unintended and sometimes negative consequences in line with the large body of research in the field of sports For development and development studies in general.

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While research revealed the positive potential to reach in bicycleIt has also been found that bicycles can empower people and societies, but they can also reverse or exacerbate existing problems and inequalities. development programs based on bikes It can have both intended and unintended consequences.

Although optimistic about World Bicycle Day Hello, it is important to remember that with all their potential, bikes They cannot solve our overlapping contemporary crises on their own.

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