The World Health Organization warns that no country will beat the pandemic with a boost to the COVID vaccine – El Financiero

The World Health Organization warns that no country will beat the pandemic with a boost to the COVID vaccine – El Financiero

The World Health Organization (WHO) has been forceful in declaring that no country has ended the COVID-19 pandemic with booster doses and that, contrary to what might be thought, revaccination campaigns can prolong the epidemic, rather than end it.

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the World Health Organization, said this Wednesday during a press conference in Geneva, Switzerland, that “No country will be able to beat the epidemic with booster vaccinations This does not mean the green light to celebrate as we expected.”

These boosters are random They can even prolong the epidemic instead of ending itBy shifting available doses to countries with higher vaccination rates, the virus has more potential to spread and mutate.”

According to data from the world’s top health system, currently about 20 percent of applied doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, globally, Used for booster vaccination or additional doses.

This creates a problem, as despite the increased supply of vaccines around the world, Not evenly distributed. Low-income countries had much less access and faced erratic and unpredictable supplies.

The Director-General of the World Health Organization insisted that “it is important to remember that the vast majority of hospitalizations and deaths were of people who were not immunized, and who did not receive a booster dose.”

The world and the anabolic doses

According to the World Health Organization, at least 126 countries around the world have already issued recommendations for booster or supplemental vaccination More than 120 revaccination campaigns have started.

Most of these countries are classified as high income or upper middle income.

No low-income country has yet implemented a booster vaccination programme.

Target populations with the most frequent priority target populations for booster doses are the elderly, health care personnel, and the immunosuppressed.

In many of these booster countries, coverage rates for full primary immunization are less than 30%.

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