They will create a new district in Uganda

They will create a new district in Uganda

Today, the Ugandan parliament approved a decision to create Terejo District, a request that the area’s residents have made since at least last year.

The presidential cabinet has approved the resolution since May 2019, however, it needs congressional approval. With the consent of the Arua people, in the West Nile region, Terego will share the lands of Arua, in addition to uniting the two provinces, Terego East and Terego West.

The new administrative division would border Yum to the north, Maracha to the northwest, Madi Okolo to the east, very close to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and immediately to the southeast, and Ivo to the west.

Likewise, Parliament has approved the creation of 15 new cities, some of which will come into force on July 1, 2020, at the same time as Terego.

Uganda has experienced steady population growth in recent years. According to data provided by the World Bank, the population of the African country in 2010 reached 32 million 430 thousand people, while by 2018 it increased to 42 million 720 thousand people.

In recent weeks, thousands of people have been displaced by torrential floods from Lake Victoria, the largest in Africa, between Tanzania and Uganda.

The lake has grown to over 13.12 meters, just under the 13.46 meters recorded in 1964, the largest progress recorded to date, according to the regional newspaper The East African.

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