Three web pages all medical students should know
Folia Anatomía is a website for the University of Los Andes in Colombia.
1,006 students from UNAM School of Medicine passed the online professional exam in 2021.
During 2021, only 5% of doctors used Tiktok as a professional tool.
Lionel Pacheco is a Tik Tok user He posted a video on his profile showing some web pages that will help medical students study, learn about and complete academic activities such as homework, projects and of course exams.
The pages all medical students should know are:
On this page you can find visual resources such as pictures of parts of the human body, complete systems, and medical specialties. There are about 3 thousand sources on the platform, and the best part is that the material is completely free, all you have to do is cite the source and in case there are problems with how to attribute authorship, the domain has a section that is a sample How to be martyred
We invite you to read it carefully terms and conditions In addition to showing them how to properly give them attribution, you can use their content for anything you need.
The Calgary Guide page will help you on more than one occasion in different medical topics, thanks to the fact that it contains a large number of charts detailing different medical topics by each specialty, as well as providing information on more than 4 languages.
Within its rich content, you can find charts that will help you study this hard-to-understand system, review or better understand it using a resource that explains it in a simple way to you.
A website where you can find audiovisual materials on all topics of anatomy, from bones and muscles to surgical simulations.
The content of the simulation videos is created in collaboration with professionals.
These are just some of the web pages that you can never forget you exist as a medical student. Did you already know that all of these pages exist?
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“Award-winning zombie scholar. Music practitioner. Food expert. Troublemaker.”