Uganda: Opposition leader calls for the removal of three Supreme Court judges in his petition to annul the results

Uganda: Opposition leader calls for the removal of three Supreme Court judges in his petition to annul the results
11/26/2019 Ugandan opponent Robert Kyagolani, known by his stage name Bobby Wayne Politica Africa Uganda International Look 1 / Zuma Press / ContactPhoto

Madrid, 17 (Europe Press)

Ugandan opposition leader Robert Kyagulani called for the removal of three Supreme Court judges, including its president, in the case of his request to annul the results of the presidential and parliamentary elections on January 14, in which the head of state announced Yuri. Museveni, he won the sixth term of the country front.

Kyagulanyi, popularly known as Bobi Wine and the main opposition candidate for the presidency, indicated that Chief Justice, Alphonse Oweni Dolo, and Judges Mike Chipita and Ezequiel Corrabehu Mohanguzzi should appeal due to conflicts of interest and added that there would be no justice if they were part of the decision-making.

“We have doubts about Oweni Dolo, who was Museveni’s minister and who was Museveni’s defense lawyer,” the Ugandan Daily Monitor newspaper quoted him as saying. “We believe that this is a mistake under the law,” Bobby Wayne said, referring also to “regular” meetings between the chief justice and the president.

Consequently, it influenced that its formation, the National Unity Platform (NUP), “wants the President of the Supreme Court not to be a part of the hearings.” “Not just him,” said the opponent, who refused to acknowledge the results and declared victory in the election, “not just him, there are court judges like Chipita, who was the private secretary for legal affairs in Museveni’s office for seven years.”

“We also know that Mahanguzi is a relative of Elie Tomwin, a person who has been punished by the national and international community for committing human rights violations,” he said. Tamween is the Ugandan Minister of Security and has been accused of suppressing the recent protests in the country.

For this reason, Bobby Wayne noted that he “went to the Supreme Court to seek justice and not injustice.” “We want to notify the Supreme Court. If this continues, we will not be part of this charade. We haven’t started the hearings, but the court is rejecting our evidence. For what reason? We firmly believe that the court is operating under Museveni’s oversight of orders.”, They are settled.

Consequently, the opponent referred to the recent decision of the Supreme Court to refuse to present an annex to the lawsuit containing alleged evidence of wrongdoing, arguing that time was up. Defense attorneys stated that Bobby Wayne was unable to leave his home for weeks due to a security cordon.

The Supreme Court responded to Kyagolani’s words and stressed that “the appeal procedures before the judge are very clear.” He said, “The person looking for her must file a lawsuit in the court and issue a judgment on whether this person has left or not.”

Finally, a spokesperson for the judiciary, Jamson Karmani, confirmed that the opposition leader’s lawyer “did not raise this concern the last time the court met and it was assumed that there was no problem before them before the court.”

The political crisis in Uganda was exacerbated by allegations of electoral fraud by the NUP. Kyagolani was presented as the main competitor to Museveni, who had led the country since 1986 and had secured a sixth term after a series of constitutional amendments to be able to go to the polls.

The elections took place in a particularly tense context due to the increasing repression against the opposition and the killing of more than 50 people in November due to the action of security forces against protesters after Kyagolani was arrested during an election event.

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