Ugandan security forces withdraw from Bobby Wayne’s home

Ugandan security forces withdraw from Bobby Wayne’s home

“They are leaving now, and we hope that today will not change,” said George Mossessi.

Judge Michael Elobo, who heads the court’s civil department, said that if the government had evidence against Wayne, he should be charged in court and not be “detained without justification in his home,” according to Mossessy.

Wayne, a folk singer, was the opposition’s front runner in the January 14th presidential election, and the military and police have besieged his home since the election ended.

President Yoweri MusevenThe country’s election commission announced the winner of the elections for a record sixth term in the middle Reports of fraud and forgery.

Wayne rejects the election results, saying he has evidence of fraud and intimidation.

Today’s Wayne team will decide whether to resume the election results. Muzisi added that Wayne’s team hoped to make a decision sooner, but was unable to meet due to the house arrest.

The deadline to do this is February 2.

The US embassy in Uganda welcomed the Supreme Court’s ruling, saying that it “affirms the role of an impartial judiciary.”

“Freedom of expression, assembly and movement must be respected for all in a democratic society,” he said. And the United Nations Twitter Monday.

She said in a Facebook post that US Ambassador Natalie E. Brown was prevented from visiting Wayne on January 18 when she went to check on his health and safety.

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