US Senate Announces Constitutional Impeachment Trial of Donald Trump

US Senate Announces Constitutional Impeachment Trial of Donald Trump

Washington. – Senate United State This Tuesday confirmed the constitutionality of the second session Isolation Against the former president Donald Trump With 44 votes against and 56 in favor, only 6 of them are Republican senators.

This vote, which took place on the first day of the impeachment trial, serves as a measure of the likely outcome in acquittal.Isolation“Because convicting Trump requires 67 votes, at least 17 of them are Republicans.

The Senate had already put to a vote at the end of January the issue of the constitutionality of accountability, with a very similar result (55 to 45).

Today, Republican Senator Bill Cassidy is the only one to join his colleagues Ben Sacy, Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski, Mitt Romney, and Tommy is in voting with the Democratic bloc in favor of the legitimacy of the process.

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The Senate voted after Democratic lawmakers who acted as prosecutors defended their position for an hour and a half, and Trump’s lawyers did the same for two hours.

The debate over constitutionalism is the lifeblood of Republicans who feel uncomfortable with Trump but dare not turn their backs on him completely, as this would give them an excuse to vote against his conviction.

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The majority of experts in the constitution saw the process as legitimate even if it could no longer lead to Trump impeachment, because it assesses the events that occurred while he was still president.

After focusing on the first day on the constitutionality of the process, impeachment will resume on Wednesday at 12:00 local time, as prosecutors and Trump’s defense will begin.

jabf / lsm

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