We are privileged to respect people, but science points to a binary system: Pastor – El Heraldo de Chihuahua

We are privileged to respect people, but science points to a binary system: Pastor – El Heraldo de Chihuahua

Evangelical Pastor Eric Mantilla, member of the Evangelical Ministerial Confraternity of Chihuahua, explained that according to science, people belong to a binary human design; After the Civil Registry of the State of Chihuahua issued the first two certificates for non-binary persons in the entity.

“The free decision of each individual regarding his sexual preference should be respected, however, scientifically speaking, there are only two: a man and a woman, a masculine and feminine binary design. We urge the various levels of government to promulgate laws that have a scientific basis and verify them,” said Reverend Mantilla. .

Previously, it was announced that two people had gone to the Civil Registry Office in Cuauhtémoc City and in Chihuahua Capital, to request a change of birth certificates, where they did not specify in the gender field male or female, but as a non-binary person. The procedure was also carried out to amend the unique population registry code document CURP; And in the National Population Registry, Renapo.

In analyzing the cases, the Legal Department determined that the action could be enforced, based on 2017 case law, with the state of Chihuahua becoming the first federal entity in Mexico where the action could be enforced without a court trial. between two.

“We understand that there are two: male and female, as the Bible says. The fact that they issue non-binary certificates will lead to some complications later on. For example, CURP is usually binary. It deals with the term man and woman, so whatever they can do or try to seem to advance these issues, results in a lack of definition,” via Eric Mantilla.

In this sense, the pastor stressed that respecting people is a privilege, however, he argued that science shows that there is a binary system between men and women.

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“We respect the people, but all the laws that are meant to be promoted sometimes, and all that, I think are meaningless. Both churches and pro-life groups, there is no one else: man or woman. As people see themselves, it is respectable,” But we believe that the government should not fall into this kind of practice that lacks definition, even in the legal framework.”

Finally, he called on people to accept themselves as they were biologically born, to accept themselves in their own biology and to seek happiness and fulfillment in that essence.

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