Weinstein tricked Robin Williams into holding ‘Indomitable Will’

Weinstein tricked Robin Williams into holding ‘Indomitable Will’

Kevin Smith mention it Harvey Weinstein boycott You will invincible hunting knowingly as long as Pay Less Robin Williams With the theatrical release of the film. Smith, a friend of Matt Damon and Ben Affleck, Oscar-winning screenwriters and a key part of the film’s crew, detailed the commercial strategy of the producer, who was sentenced to 23 years in prison for sexual assault, and designing malicious distribution. Strategy through Miramax.

Underestimating a big star and damaging the film’s distribution in order to pay him less

You will invincible hunting It is shown for the first time in 1997 With amazing Damon as Will Hunting, a 20-year-old janitor from MIT with an IQ out of range. Williams played Dr. Sean Maguire, an important mentor figure to Lowell. Given his amazing performance, which is remembered by many, Williams won his only performance Oscar In his nearly 40-year career. Kevin Smith, co-executive producer of the film, mentions in his new book (va ScreenRant) that Weinstein and Miramax hastily pulled the film from theaters so that Robin Williams would receive fewer royalties and a much lower salary than was agreed under the contract.

Smith says Williams has signed an agreement that says so If the movie brings in more than $100 million at the box office, the actor will receive a much larger share. of the total achieved by production. Which is that the movie finished its first weekend with a really good collection that, after its commercial run, came close to $90 million in those days. “I remember when You will invincible hunting I was leaving movie theaters and it just seemed weird to me because it was like, ‘waiting? There are these Oscar rumors, so why would you be able to get rid of everything at the wedding just to make more money? “Smith speaks in his new book.

Weinstein and Miramax just wanted a bigger slice of the box office pie and hurt the theater scene to get it.

“And they did it all because keeping the film in theaters meant that more money made at the box office would go to Robin.”Concludes. By the time the production ended his stage career in April 1998, he had achieved more than $133 million in the United States, achieving more than 225 worldwide. your budget? Only 10 million dollars. The film was Robin Williams’ third highest-grossing film at the time and earned nine Academy Award nominations, including Best Supporting Actor for Williams. Weinstein, as we’ve seen in the past, was always thinking about his own best interest.

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