What are the causes of allergies in the fall?

What are the causes of allergies in the fall?
Pollen is one of the items that causes the most allergies during fall. Photo: Pixabay

The next Wednesday September 22 Autumn beginsA season of the year in which there are several AllergyBut what are the reasons for its appearance?

The coldest months of the year are accompanied by Lack of ventilation in homes. Therefore Dust mites multiply and moisture problems increase.

Although when talking about allergies, the most common thing is that one automatically thinks of The autumnThe rest of the stations are not exempt from these problems. fact, Allergies in the fall It’s one of the main reasons why you should go to the doctor after summer, which is indicative of his presence at this time of year.

Remember that Allergies are diseases in which the body (especially the immune system) overreacts to the presence of a substance. which is known as dangerous or harmful for the body.

This material is called Allergens (substances that cause allergic reactions) And although they can be very diverse, the most famous of them is PolandWhich is characterized by its presence in the spring.

However, of course, the presence of allergens is not limited only to spring. Some allergens (such as dust mites, animal hair, or food allergies among others) They are present all year round.

It should be borne in mind that autumn in particular is characterized by certain conditions that can make allergy attacks more severe than summer or winter. Here are some aspects to keep in mind when it comes to understanding why severe allergy attacks happen in the fall.

One of the most important aspects that affect autumn allergies is that after spring comes summer, the time of allergy is very low, since Increasing temperature Many allergens disappear or become negative (Moisture prevents pollen from being in suspension, and high temperatures prevent mites from spreading in drier environments.)

Thus, it is a beneficial time for allergies, and temperatures in the fall usually trigger allergy attacks from September and October.

Another reason why autumnal allergies are such a frequent problem is that they are often confused flu. At the end of the day, the return of a cold is usually associated with these ailments, and although it should not be ruled out, it should also be kept in mind that what you may be experiencing is an allergic attack, not a cold.

Photo: Pixabay

The most common types of allergies during the fall

allergic rhinitis: Reaction of the nasal mucous membranes after exposure to certain allergens, such as dust or pollen. Sometimes it can be accompanied by symptoms of asthma.

crisis: It can be caused by allergens such as mites, pollen, animal epithelium, fungi or food. It is the most common type of asthma.

pet allergy: In the same way as in the case of mites and fungi, lower temperatures make us stay indoors longer, which is why allergies to our pet dander are more likely to appear.

How to avoid allergy falls?

  • Keep the house ventilated: It is important to ventilate the house every morning to avoid dampness and mold.
  • Change the heating and air conditioning filters: It is important to change them from time to time, as they accumulate pollen and mites.
  • Wash sheets and rugs frequently: It is recommended to wash sheets and pillows frequently to avoid moth buildup. Carpets where dust tends to accumulate unintentionally.
  • If we knew we were allergic to pollen, that would be appropriate Avoid areas with deciduous trees, whose pollination takes place in the fall.
Photo: Pixabay

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