What is happening in Canada? 500 sudden deaths due to the heat, in just 3 days

What is happening in Canada?  500 sudden deaths due to the heat, in just 3 days

Meteorologists have described the heat wave as a “high pressure dome” over northwest Canada, which has been exacerbated by climate change.

Madrid, 1 July (European Press) Canadian authorities They are investigating the deaths of nearly 500 people due to distress heat wave That has plagued the country since last Friday, with temperatures reaching a record 49.6 degrees Celsius and affecting mainly residents of British Columbia, in the west of the country.

In British Columbia, at least 486 sudden deaths were recorded over the past five days, data that raised alarms and far exceeds the average number of daily deaths that occurred in previous years due to rising temperatures.

This, according to the government, constitutes a 66 percent increase in deaths for five days compared to 2020, according to information received from the television network. International News.

“While it is too early to say how many heat-related deaths really are, we believe the significant increase can be attributed to extreme weather conditions,” police officer Lisa Lapointe said.

The heat wave resulted in what meteorologists describe as a “high pressure dome” over the northwest, which has been exacerbated by climate change. Thus, the city of Vancouver recorded the highest temperature in history, with the reading of thermometers exceeding 46 degrees Celsius.

Tuesday was the third day in a row that the town of Lytton, one of the hardest-hit areas, broke records after reaching 47 degrees Celsius. The city has become the hottest place in Canada for three consecutive days.

fire in leighton

On Wednesday, Lytton residents were evacuated due to a strong fire. The mayor, Jan Boldermann, warned that “the whole city is on fire” and asked all residents to leave their homes as soon as possible.

“It’s terrible. The whole town is on fire. It’s been 15 minutes since the first signs of smoke were seen and suddenly there was fire everywhere,” Bolderman told CNN. CBC.

Thus, residents have decided to leave the city and go to the nearest pub in Boston. “I drove through town and everything was smoke and flames and dropped wires,” he lamented.

Erica Berg, of the Fire Information Office, explained that the evacuation order was issued an hour after the fire started, although she did not give details of its size.

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