Bicicrosista starred from Santander John Esteban Alz Hurtado in the US

Bicicrosista starred from Santander John Esteban Alz Hurtado in the US

JHon Esteban Alzate Hurtado was 10 years old when he got into motorcycling and has since marked his victories in various national and international events.

He joins the national and administrative surnames runner-up in Latin America and Latin America in the category of Under 14, and now their conditions appear in the United States, where since the end of 2020 impose their conditions.

John Esteban is gaining more and more love every day for the sport that continues to grow in Santander and Colombia, promoted, among others, by Mariana Pagon, Carlos Alberto Ramirez and Carlos Mario Oquendo, Olympic medalists.

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John Esteban follows in the footsteps of these athletes, who dream of being in the most important competitions on the planet and that is why he is preparing hard.

Last weekend, at the USA BMX Carolina Nationals 2021 event, held in South Carolina, the contestant was crowned cruiserweight champion and runner-up in the experts, in a competition that brought together high-caliber athletes in the field.

On Friday, he was champion in the cruiser class and runner-up in the expert class. The next day he was eighth in the cruise and reached fourth in the experts, after suffering a fall without serious consequences.

The contestant explained: “There were only scratches in one elbow and a strong headache, however, we reached the grand final of the quarter,” adding, “It is a great result, this weekend I was in competitions in the United States, with good results on behalf of my administration.” And country. ”

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The excellent presentations of bicicrosista “anthill” have reached the ears of various teams, seeking to support their mathematical process.

“The US bike manufacturer, the Ssquared Answer Factory, offered him two bikes of the brand, and the company’s” team manager “invited him to ride with them for the next season and learn about their work. , Informed The Indersantander, the entity the athlete also thanked for their support.

Jhon Esteban, in addition to adding hundreds of trophies, is accumulating a long list of injuries, among them losing some movement in the right hand, as well as fractures, dislocations and blows that, far from being off course, push him to remain resolute in fulfilling that long-awaited dream to reach the Olympics. .

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