Bloody start of the presidential election campaign in Uganda, killing 37 people

Bloody start of the presidential election campaign in Uganda, killing 37 people

At least 37 people were killed in Uganda in Riots resulting from the new arrest of Representative and pop singer Bobby Wayne, the main contender for the outgoing president in the January presidential election.Which is being announced tense.

The environment of President Museveni, 76, in power since 1986, in recent months has shown signs of tension in front of Bobby wine., 38, has been detained multiple times or under house arrest since 2018.

He was elected MP in 2017, singer Representative Robert Kyagolani – his real name –He became the mouthpiece of a young, extremely poor Ugandan in urban areas, not being recognized in President Museveni’s advanced system.

Bobby Wayne was arrested for violating anti-Coronavirus measures during his campaign rallies, He was released yesterday.

The news of his arrest infuriated his supporters, Those who clashed with security forces in Kampala on Wednesday and Thursday, as well as in other urban centers.

“So far, we have 37 dead people in connection with the demonstrations that started Wednesday,” Moses Piaruhanga, Deputy Inspector General of Police, told AFP.

During that time, outgoing President Yoweri Museveni, who has not commented on current events, continued his election campaign, in which he gathered large crowds, according to the NGO Human Rights Watch, without being questioned by the police or the military.

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