Jodi Foster: “Guantánamo is inhuman, not what the United States stands for as a country.” Mauritanian

Jodi Foster: “Guantánamo is inhuman, not what the United States stands for as a country.”  Mauritanian

Inhuman, meaningless, outside the law. So he spoke Jodi Foster from Guantánamo After the tournament Mauritanian A political and judicial thriller movie about torture and abuse committed in that prison which has become one of the biggest shame in the United States.

Guantánamo It is inhuman: it is not what the United States as a country stands forThe actress and director mourned.

A two-time Oscar winner for Best Actress (“Acusados,” 1988; “Silence of the Innocents,” 1991), Foster faces a delicate challenge here as she plays a lawyer convinced of the need to defend anyone, even if her clients, on occasions, may have committed The most heinous act of terror.

Taher Rahim is unusual in the skin of a Guantanamo prisoner, giving the actress the response in this vengeful and humane film – based on real events – which includes Benedict Cumberbatch and Shailene Woodley in the cast and directed by Kevin MacDonald.

In the past year, Hollywood has released other political titles like “Da 5 Bloods” and “The Chicago 7 Trial.” Jodi Foster Remember that there have always been movies of this genre and ‘Mauritanian’ It is related to what is happening now.

Its character, Nancy Hollander, is a civil rights attorney who believes in the rule of law in the constitution. “This is one of those cases where You understand why adhering to the rule of law is important. Certainly after September 11, when the whole world was filled with revenge, fear and anger, It was important to have a judiciary based on balance So our system continues to work. “

The past and reconciliation

During his tenure, Barack Obama tried to close Guantánamo but couldn’t. Do you expect anything from President Joe Biden? The actress believes the prison will finally close – now or in a few years – because its maintenance is too expensive.

“What this movie reveals is that There should be no American justice mechanism operating specifically outside of the United States. Outside, so that we don’t have to follow any of our rules. “

Jodi Foster He believes that the time has come for the United States to look to its past, reconsider its history, and make room for reconciliation. Learn about the harm caused by apartheid or the mass expulsion of Native Americans from their lands.

What this country did in these dark parts of our history … We have to go back to it and understand that we will never do it again.“, Goal. (EFE)

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