Differences between accessing from a browser or a computer application

Differences between accessing from a browser or a computer application

If we use a computer, WhatsApp Web It is the most comfortable way to chat with our WhatsApp contacts without having to change devices all the time. At first it can only be accessed from the browser, but for a few years we also have a file Desktop application is available. Which is better?

Although the experience is practically the same either We access WhatsApp from the browser as if we were doing it from a desktop programThere are some nuances that can tip the scales in favor of one or the other, always depending on the needs of each. These are the differences WhatsApp Web Depending on how we use it

Access WhatsApp from the web or the app

As mentioned earlier, the first difference is the way we access the service. In the case of using WhatsApp Web, it is enough to enter web.whatsapp.com From the browser, while if we choose the application We will have to download it and then install it on our computer. The app is available at The official WhatsApp website For both Windows and macOS.

This is the only difference in terms of access, because the system then is identical; We’ll have to scan qr code Mobile and our account will be linked to the computer.

user interface

WhatsApp Web

WhatsApp Desktop vs WhatsApp Web

At the interface level, we don’t have any noticeable difference. On the left are the recent chats, the search section and the various icons with which we can access statuses, open a new chat, or access other configuration options and settings. The only difference is that the new chat icon is different, with a + icon for the desktop version and a message icon for the browser version.

Menu and Settings

Whatsapp Web App

Speaking of the menu, there are no differences between the two options either. Here we can create a new group or room, check our profile, open archived or featured chats, enter settings or close the session.

Whatsapp Web 05

Regarding the configuration menu, we do not have as many options as on mobile, but it allows us to control desktop notifications, light or dark themes, wallpaper and blocked contacts. Here there is a difference that the “Desktop Settings” option appears only if we have installed the application. What we can do here is Configure WhatsApp to open automatically when you start your computer.


WhatsApp Web

Notice from WhatsApp Web (top) and WhatsApp desktop (bottom).

Both versions will show us notifications with each new message, with the only difference being that it indicates whether it comes from Google Chrome (or any browser) or from the app. Of course, if you access from a browser You have to give permission So you can view these notifications to us.

Whatsapp Web App

What we lose in the web version is strength See the number of unread messages in the app icon on the taskbar. If you prefer to deactivate the sound, it is very good not to miss any alerts.

Calls and video calls

As you can see, the differences are rather insignificant so far, but there is a function Tip the balance in favor of the desktop application. These are calls and video calls, a feature that until a while ago was only available in the mobile app but we can now enjoy it on the computer.

WhatsApp Web

To be able to make a voice call or a video call, we just have to enter the chat we want and click on the corresponding icon in the upper right corner of the window. Be sure to Set up the speaker and microphone correctlyYou can do this by pressing the three-dotted button that appears next to the Finish button.

and good?

As we said at the beginning, the choice of which version depends on the needs of each moment. For example, in my case, I have the program installed on my computer because that way I don’t load the browser much, which already has quite a few tabs open as usual. What is more, It weighs barely 150MB so there is no space issue. However, WhatsApp Web comes better if I log in from a laptop or other computer that is not mine. You don’t have to download anything and after logging out, just close your browser tab.

What is clear is that if you want to make video calls, you have to download the program because this option does not exist in the browser. Of course, if you don’t need it, the web version is probably the most exciting for you. And you which one do you prefer?

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