Donnelly, awaiting the US military’s decision to continue with Lyon – Polideportivo

Donnelly, awaiting the US military’s decision to continue with Lyon – Polideportivo

Lyon (Spain), May 22nd (EFE). Next Monday, US international hub Andrew Donlin will know, as he assured Efe, the final decision of the US Army, who is the commander of the Air Force, regarding its continuation. Or not in Spain’s Abanca Ademar, in which he has played the past two seasons.

Donnelly, who caught the game against Barcelona today (27-34) is perhaps his best performance since he played for the Leoneese team, scoring five goals – with only one mistake – and again being a reference in defense, is part of Ademarista’s team after an agreement. With the American Olympic Committee, they are supposed to take full control of their file.

The American player, after his first season of acclimatization, either with the ASOBAL League or with Ademar himself, this season has revealed himself as a bulwark in Manolo Cadenas’ defense center, which has also given him more heroism in an offensive action.

The 28-year-old, who is 2.02 meters, already had previous European handball experience at TSV BAyer Dormagen and joined the ranks of Ademarista at the express wish of Leonese’s coach who made him a contender for Argentina at the Pan American Games in Lima (Peru).

Aside from his track handball career, the American Axle has also distinguished itself for its adaptation to the way the sport is on the beach, as it is one of the main references for the United States team.

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