Facebook: How to find out who visited my profile | Android | iOS | iPhone | Applications | Applications | Smartphone | Mobile phones | viral | United States | Spain | Mexico | Colombia | Peru | nda | nnni | SPORTS-PLAY

Facebook: How to find out who visited my profile |  Android |  iOS |  iPhone |  Applications |  Applications |  Smartphone |  Mobile phones |  viral |  United States |  Spain |  Mexico |  Colombia |  Peru |  nda |  nnni |  SPORTS-PLAY

Do you remember Hi5? That social network that was born in 2003 that many users used to post their favorite photos, well, that was basically the dynamic, something similar to what Instagram is today, however, Hi5 had the option to see who visited your profile. In this opportunity, we will teach you a very simple trick where you can find out the people who have looked at your profile . would it be possible?

It is the largest social network ever, and it is commonly used to display posts like: news, photos, statuses etc. You can also chat and watch videos or live broadcasts, in short, it is a completely complete application. There is something that Mark Zuckerberg has not added yet, we refer to the tool that allows you to see who has entered your profile.

Look: How to see all the posts you’ve replied to on Facebook

over there It is very easy to get to know users in the social network of Facebook social networking site They’ve gone through your profile, whether they’re contacts you’ve added or not. It is important to clarify that to perform this procedure, it will not be necessary to install additional software on your PC or laptop.

How do you know who visited my Facebook profile?

  • First, go to Facebook social networking site From a computer or laptop.
  • Now, go to your profile and press F12 or Control + U.
  • A tab containing the Facebook HTML code will open automatically.
  • The next step is to press Control + F, type the following: Buddy_ID and hit enter.
  • After that, the various icons will be highlighted in red.
  • Between these icons you’ll see the word Buddy_ID and next to it is a multi-digit number. You have to copy the latter and in a new tab type the following: Facebook.com/ (and paste the code).
  • Pressing enter will take you to the profile who visited your profile.

Although this trick does not reveal the date and time the user viewed your profile, it is very interesting data so that you know who is aware of what you are posting. The method is 100% safe and does not violate any kind of personal data or information.

Do you have a problem with Facebook Messenger Do you want to report it? click To report something not working properly in the app. If what you want is to report abuse or other conversations that break the Messenger rules, tap Next .

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