Former Metroid Prime engineer shares his disappointment with Wii specs – Nintenderos

Former Metroid Prime engineer shares his disappointment with Wii specs – Nintenderos

Here comes an interesting message regarding one of the most famous franchises ever released on Wii. We are talking in this case from Metroid Prime.

In the text we leave for you below, we can read the phrases he recently shared with podcast player Reece Reilly, also known as Kiwi Talks, former chief technical engineer at Metroid Prime, Jack Matthews. He confirmed that they were a bit disappointed with the technical specifications of the Wii.

there he is:

Honestly, when the Wii came out, technically, I was a bit disappointed and that could have led to some fatigue as well. I really wanted to work on really cool stuff and I guess something didn’t work, that technically staying with Nintendo means falling behind on creativity as an engineer, that was a creative problem for me. It was hard to justify.

It’s easy to work with what you already know, but when it’s the same thing over and over again, the Wii was basically a device very similar to the GameCube. Now the controls were really cool and original, but I’m not a game programmer, I don’t know. I really do it all in terms of gameplay, and the closest I get to the gameplay is working on the viewers. And for me, creatively, I agonized a little bit on Prime 3… I was personally very excited – and I know other people… I’m not so excited to continue working on the Wii after that for long, that’s one of the reasons I’m leaving.

what do you think?


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