Geneva Declaration of Consensus for the Welfare of Women – El Financiero

Geneva Declaration of Consensus for the Welfare of Women – El Financiero

In a multinational effort to look after women’s health and the family, on October 22, the Geneva Consensus Declaration was actually signed. Thus, the governments of Brazil, Egypt, Hungary, Indonesia, Uganda, and the United States co-sponsored the remote meeting to promote four primary goals in the development and well-being of women from the beginning of their lives: a) improving their health; b) Preserving human life. c) strengthening the family as a basic unit of society, d) ensuring the protection of the sovereignty of states in relation to world politics.

This declaration should have been made within the framework of the World Health Assembly in Geneva, which was not made this year, due to sanitary conditions. The Geneva Consensus Declaration was signed by 33 countries in Latin America, the Middle East, Europe, Asia and Africa to protect the rights of women to health, recognizing that: all their rights as human beings must be respected and all civil and political rights freely enjoyed with equal access to quality education; that the right to life is intrinsic to the human being and that abortion should not in any way be promoted as a means of family planning or as a health service; that the family is the natural and fundamental element of society and has the right to protect society and the state; and that health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease. It also identifies “the importance of national ownership and the primary role and responsibility of governments at all levels to determine their own way of achieving universal health coverage, according to their national context and priorities.”

In this sense, the signatory states undertake, in addition to publishing them through the forums, to: Ensure the full enjoyment by women of human rights and equal opportunities at all levels of political, economic and public life. Improving and ensuring access to advances in health and development, particularly in the field of physical and emotional health, with the exception of abortion; Reaffirm that there is no international right to abortion, and that there is no international obligation on states to finance or facilitate abortion; To build the capacity of its health system and mobilize resources to implement health and development programs that meet the needs of women and children in vulnerable situations; To promote and prioritize public health policies favorable to women and girls, as well as to families; to support the role of the family as the foundation of society and as a source of health, support and care; And engage in dialogue within the United Nations system to realize these universal values.

The importance of this initiative is to show that the defense of life is the basis for protecting women and that their health at every stage of life should be a priority. In addition, it was reiterated that there is no international right to abortion despite the rhetoric of various global cases.

In the face of this important alliance, the Early Institute is committed to promoting the holistic care of life based on its respect and human rights as basic principles in the design and implementation of public policies that protect early childhood from its conception in favor of a better future.

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