Hulu follows in the footsteps of Netflix and opens an online store: ‘Shop Hulu’

Hulu follows in the footsteps of Netflix and opens an online store: ‘Shop Hulu’
  • All proceeds from Ugly Sweaters will be donated to Feeding America.

  • Hulu Store has discounts for this season and first use of the platform.

  • At the moment, it only ships within the US.

The digital platforms that provide streaming services are evolving or rather they are starting to adapt to the new business models demanded by the users, an example is the creation of the Netflix Shop, the official Netflix store that sells all kinds of programming related products offered by the digital platform, for which Hulu will strive, Which belongs to Disney World, is to be integrated, into digital commerce, with the sale of a range of products called “Ugly sweaters” inside your Shop Hulu store.

Although this launch is not entirely new, since 2019 hollow, I already had a stockpile of the ugly sweater; However, this time the platform did not sell the product, but the company gave them a tow, during an event related to programming they offer such as: Little Fires Everywhere, Shrill, which turned you into a private group.

ugly jackets

Hulu’s sweater collection will be available from November 30 to December 31, anticipate sales on Christmas dates, as the collection’s design focuses on the trend of cardigans, colorful, bright and colorful, and Christmas themes.

Hulu reports that 100 percent of the group’s profits will be donated to Feeding America, an organization with just over 200 food banks within the United States, which has significant access to popular dining rooms. However, it was indicated that the donation would be limited to 1,000 units.

In addition to the sweater collection, the online store will offer glassware, merchandise, and products related to its programming, as well as exclusive and miscellaneous products focused on everyday home use, based on programs like American Horror Story, Gray’s Anatomy, Orville, among others.

The online store offers seasonal discounts as well as a special discount for the first purchase; However, shipments will only be available within the US for now.

E-commerce has become a part encapsulated within nearly every mobile app out there, with the goal of providing users with everything they need from the same platform, reducing the need to interact with different platforms, automating processes and offering users and consumers, user experiences focused on satisfaction and instantaneous.

Increasingly different platforms are choosing to integrate these models, as shown above by Netflix or Hulu, although it is not just limited to streaming platforms, with social networks such as TikTok announcing their integration with e-commerce, with the ability to sell products, both private, users and influencers. , in the same way that it can be found on Meta (formerly Facebook) or official Instagram portals where you can consume different products or services from creators and influencers.

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