Imprisoned for the hunter who killed the gorilla my popular companion in Uganda

Imprisoned for the hunter who killed the gorilla my popular companion in Uganda

Court Uganda Condemned Eleven years in prison The Incognito Hunter He was killed at the beginning of June Friend , one of Gorilla The most popular mountain ranges are in the Forest National Park Bwindi (Southwest), as announced today by the authorities of the African state.

The Executive Director of the Uganda Wildlife Authority, Sam Moanda, described the ruling as “a message to all poachers”.

“When a person kills an animal, we all lose. This is why we ask every citizen to help us preserve wildlife for future generations,” Moanda said in a statement.

When he was caught he was in possession of hilóquero meat

On Wednesday, the Court of First Instance in Kabale (southwest) declared Felix Byamukama, a Ugandan citizen, guilty of killing gorillas, entering the said national park illegally and hunting other animals for their meat.

When the authorities arrested Piyamukama on July 4, the fisherman was in possession of Hilukiro meat (a type of wild boar) and fishing gear. Byamukama confessed to killing my companion in self-defense, after the president surprised him and attacked him while he was walking through the woods with three of his companions.

Bwindi Impenetrable Forest (Uganda)

Andamance / Getty Images / iStockphoto

Rafiki, which means “friend” in Swahili, was the silver-backed (dominant) male of the Nkorengo family of 17, as well as a very prominent figure among Ugandans and park visitors.

After losing their livelihoods due to the lockdown imposed by Uganda in late March to fight Covid-19, some Ugandans are turning to poaching for food or extra income, according to the country’s environmental authorities.

Byamukama confessed to killing my companion in self-defense

In Queen Elizabeth National Park (southwest) alone, authorities arrested more than 60 illegal poachers between March and May. Mountain gorillas are an endangered species, although their numbers are slowly growing.

According to the latest census published at the end of 2019 by the region’s governments and some conservation organizations, there are about 1063 specimens of mountain gorillas in the mountain ranges that mark the borders of Rwanda, Uganda and the Democratic Party. Republic of the Congo.

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