Laid-Back Camp -Virtual-Lake Motosu launched in March Fumoto Campsite launched in April; A second trailer

Laid-Back Camp -Virtual-Lake Motosu launched in March Fumoto Campsite launched in April;  A second trailer

Relaxation Camp – Virtual – Lake Mutsu PlayStation 4, Switch, and PC will launch across Steam, iOS, and Android in March, followed by Relaxation Camp – Virtual – Fomoto Camp In April, developer Gemdrops Advertise. Both games will feature Japanese voice, and support Japanese, English, Chinese (traditional and simplified), Korean and French texts.

Here is an overview of the games via Gemdrops:

Back camp Become virtual.

Get a great taste in the great outdoors in the comfort of your home!

Together, Nadeshiko and Rin embark on a new camping adventure, snapping pictures and trying loads of delicious food. It’s gonna be great!

Two different versions in business! Play as Nadeshiko at Lake MutsuOr Rin at Fumoto camp.

(It can also be played without the VR glasses.)

Watch a new trailer below. View a new batch of photos in the gallery. Visit the official website Here.

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