Latin life in the United States! First trailer for In the Heights released

Latin life in the United States!  First trailer for In the Heights released

After the commentary on “Hamilton” and the broad acceptance of the Broadway musical, the next lineup by Lin-Manuel Miranda, by film director John M. Cho, known for his work on “Crazy Reach Asian”, is as ready as possible. Seen in the first trailer for “In the Heights”.

Chu, who directed the 2018 movie, teamed up with Miranda and screenwriter Quiara Alegría Hudes to adapt Miranda’s musical score., Which was won by Tony, in the film that opened on June 18 in theaters and on HBO Max.

This is a great musical movieMiranda said during a hypothetical event prior to the premiere of the new trailer for the movie during the 63rd Grammy Awards Sunday evening.

As can be seen in the first trailer for In the Heights, the movie tells the story of a mass that disappears as improvement begins to take hold of the predominantly Latino neighborhood of Washington Heights, New York, where the film was shot. A movie over two years ago and where Miranda grew up.

The film focuses on different characters who face family, love, and community problems., An ode to original music that has been praised for resisting stereotypes of Latino.

Nina, one of the film’s main characters, is a hardworking and ambitious Latina young woman who enrolls at Stanford University as the first person in her family to attend college, and is admired by everyone in the neighborhood as the “girl who came forward.”

There isn’t much talk about the struggle of first-generation Americans in the Latino community because it’s almost like a privilege, but there is a lot of the identity crisis that comes with it.Said Leslie Grace, a Bronx-born Dominican singer and actress who plays Nina.

Anthony Ramos plays Usnavi, the owner of a winery, After he recently appeared in the Oscar-winning movie A Star is Born and played John Laurens and Philip Hamilton in the Hamilton movie.

In the Heights will be released on June 18th in theaters, and the date HBO Max will be showing in Latin America remains unknown.

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