Mexicans see greater corruption – El Sol de México

Mexicans see greater corruption – El Sol de México

Imagine it Mexicans have on corruption Increased in the past three years, a period covering The government of Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, according to numbers from Global Justice Project (WJP).

according to WJP Rule of Law Index 2021, Mexican citizens placed a score of 0.26 in the category Absence of corruption in the government, when it was in the 2017-2018 version 0.31.

The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 means the citizens don’t understand corruption and 0 which means they think so There is corruption throughout the government.

For this year, the index, presented today, ranked 139 countries and was based on surveys conducted in more than 138,000 households and 4,200 professionals around the world.

In addition to corruption Seven other factors are evaluated rules of law: strength limits governmentAnd open governmentAnd Fundamental rightsAnd order and safetyAnd Required auditAnd civil justice And Criminal justice.

between 2017-2018 ( WJP He released the semi-annual index at that time, but then published it annually) and in 2021 there was a downward trend. It started with a score of 0.31, but in 2019 it has fallen to 0.29, by 2020 it has fallen to 0.27 and in the 2021 report the score is 0.26.

According to the results of the past three years, the biggest setback in the perception absence of corruption was living in LegislatureThat fell 0.7 points Authorizationwho lost 0.3 points.

In contrast, the Executive power It is the only one among the forces that stopped its fall and remained at 0.31 points over the past two years, while policeman and the army They are the only authorities that changed the trend in a positive way, rising from 0.32 to 0.33 points in the same period.

With the result obtained, Mexico was placed 135th out of 139 worldwide in this region, just above Uganda, Cameroon, Cambodia and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and 32nd out of 32 in Latin America and the Caribbean.

In general, regarding rules of law From the country, the 2021 index highlights that Mexico scored 0.43 points, with which it slipped one place in the global rankingIt ranks 113th out of 139 countries and jurisdictions in the world, mainly due to the fact that the country has experienced a decline in the dimensions of civic space and delays in civil and criminal justice proceedings have increased.

This score placed itself regionally at 27 out of 32 in Latin America and the Caribbean, just above countries such as Venezuela, Haiti, Nicaragua, Bolivia and Honduras.

In contrast, the 2021 Index highlights that open government (which includes laws and public statements, the right to information, civic participation, and complaint mechanisms) is the country’s greatest strength, as it is the factor in which the country gets the highest score. That is 0.60 points, which puts it in seventh place in the region and 43rd in the world.

“The indicator is not intended to be exciting or offensive, but rather to be a useful decision-making tool; that is, it is a useful tool for making diagnoses of a country’s strengths and weaknesses, for making diagnoses of the state of countries, assessing changes over time and proposing policies based on solid evidence. and reliable”, sources from WJP to mexico sun on the results of this study.

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