MLB. The Mexican brothers hit their first at MLB home ground on the same day

MLB.  The Mexican brothers hit their first at MLB home ground on the same day

Tuesday the 13th was not only good luck, but also historic for him Mexican baseball. For the first time, a couple of our native-born baseball siblings successfully race their home turf in Major tournaments.

Ramon and Luis Urias They blew up the fence with their teams, and Baltimore Orioles and Milwaukee Brewers, A reality unprecedented in the history of Mexican baseball.

Residents of Magdalena de Keno, Sonora, were the Mexican sports observer on Tuesday 13. First was Ramon, the oldest of them (26), who scored their first home run in the campaign by defeating Baltimore vs Seattle Mariners (4-3), the opening match of a double-game.

At the bottom of the fifth inning, and with a man on board, the second main man is in Orioles He hit a board that brought his team close to 3-2.

Brothers Urias They are the first born in Mexico to achieve this feat, though Adrian and Edgar Gonzalez – They were born in the US and have Mexican citizenship – they did so many times.

That was first on September 11, 2008, in triumph San Diego Padres (His then-team) against the San Francisco Giants (11-3). They repeated this on April 26, 2009, in the San Diego loss to the Peresburg Pirates (8-3).

after two hours Luis Aurias (23), fired the cannon that allowed the Brewers to lead 2–0 – like locals – against Cubs de Chicago.

Like his brother, the short man reached the jumble box with a man on the base and detonated the fence. It was also the campaign’s first “domestic run”, but it was the sixth in “Big Top.”

The Uriahs made history, although the seasons thus seem connected with their fate. First of all, they were born on the same date (June 6th); Ramon from 1994 and Lewis from 1997.

As if that wasn’t enough, nearly four years ago, on April 11, 2017, they both hit the Grand Slam (home race with a full house). Lewis did so with the Parents Branch San Diego and Ramon with the Red Devils of Mexico, in the Mexican Baseball League.

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