Planetary parade in April, so you can see

Planetary parade in April, so you can see
Planetary parade in April, so you can see
With five conjunctions, it will be possible for this “planetary parade” to be enjoyed by astronomy enthusiasts. | Photo: Getty Images.

The last days of April bring with them an event like no other and that is five out of nine Planets of the solar system will be aligned in the sky Advance “Planet Parade” It can be seen from the ground.

When and how do you see the Planetarium Parade in April 2022?

will be through The last days of Aprilwhat or what A series of conjunctions and estimations in which they will participate Jupiter, Saturn, Mars, Venus and Neptune take place In the direction of Capricorn and Piscesaccording to reports from National Institute of Astrophysics, Optics, and Electronics (INAOE).

This one is also called The Parade of Planets will take place from April 24-30, 2022, It will be visible to the naked eye at dawn, before sunrise, in the southeast direction of the celestial sphere.

However, INAOE suggests, If you want to observe Neptune, the moons of Jupiter, or some of the moons of Saturn, use binoculars or a small telescope.

Planetary parade, what will appear in the sky?

“Planetary Parade” is part of Astrological events in the month of April Prepared for all lovers of the night sky.

The first conjunction between Moon and Saturnwhere the natural moon will be 4° 30′ south of Saturn, in a direction Capricorn constellation.

It will have a visible configuration at sunrise, along with Jupiter and Mars, to the southeast of the celestial sphere.

Conjunction of the Moon and Saturn. | Photo: INAOE.

accordingly, On April 25, the conjunction between the Moon and Mars will place the satellite at 3° 54′ south of Mars, towards Aquarius constellation.

Why On April 26, the conjunction of the Moon and Venus occurred It settles in the sky in the direction of the constellation Aquarius.

While On April 27, the conjunction of Venus and Neptune will place Venus at 0° 00 south of the direction of the constellation Aquarius.

finally, On April 30, the same day that the new moon, Venus, and Jupiter will join together, Where Venus will be in visible configuration at 0° 14′ south of Jupiter, in the direction of the constellation Pisces, along with Mars and Saturn, toward the southeast of the celestial sphere.

Conjunction of Venus and Jupiter. | Photo: INAOE.

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