Tec coach prepares Mexican athletes for the Olympic Games

Tec coach prepares Mexican athletes for the Olympic Games

To support the preparation of Mexican athletes and qualify for Olympic Games, Coach Borregus MontereyEnrique Germán has been invited to be part of the coaches’ technical team.

At the invitation of National Committee for Physical Culture and Sports (CONADE), Speed ​​and Obstacles Specialist at Camp National Center for High Performance (CNAR)Where athletes have the opportunity to attend Tokyo 2020 They are preparing.

I will support the runners in that they have the right conditions to train, all their preparations and reach those benchmarksVia Germain from Mexico City.

Because of a pandemic Covid-19, The Olympic Games have been postponed to this year, and many athletes were unable to compete on their record numbers last year.

Enrique German is the head runner coach at Borrejos Monterrey de Atlétissimo.

In the months until the start of JO on July 23, athletes will strive to achieve their best physical shape, qualify and attend the most important sporting event

In the case of the German language, he will also work in the camp with Fernando Arudi, who is a student at Take de Monterey And a 400-meter-long obstacle course, with ample access to Tokyo.

The coach has already attended the Olympic Games at London 2012 s Rio 2016, As coach of runner Jose Carlos Herrera, so his participation in a third competition would be a dream.

It has always been a pleasure to be able to help athletes achieve their goals and objectives..

I am here to help them as much as possible, and if they achieve a medal, excellent, if they achieve a good result, excellent, if they are qualified, excellent, then I fulfill my mission to serve them.“, He declared.

Enrique German: the coach

The pursuit of excellence from his students and the hard work to improve him were among the factors that enabled Enrique German to train athletes at the Olympic level.

He is very disciplined, has a very strong mindset, and is very competitive, and these are characteristics that are important for developing an international career.Segifredo Trevino, director, explained Athletic and athletic from Monterey area.

Enrique Germann.
Fernando Arudi is athlete Enrique German who is currently preparing to attend the Olympics.

The German was a successful athlete and after starting his coaching career on the Monterey campus, he went to prepare for the United States.

He brings a new methodology to work in developing speed after work in the country with the largest number of runners in the worldTrevino indicated.

Francisco Olivares, Artistic Director of Borregus Monterey from Athletics.

He is such a successful person because he works a lot. It constantly reviews how to do things better, and how to operate both technically and mentally so the athlete can train better“, He said.

Thus Enrique Germain works in Mexico City to help athletes fulfill their dreams and can attend the Third Olympics.

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