The developers among us explain to us why “it takes so long”

The developers among us explain to us why “it takes so long”

Between us It became a surprise hit in 2020. The Cryptic Murder was originally released in 2018, and it made its way to fame late last year thanks in large part to several Twitch shows. Sadly, this success has brought with it quite a few challenges for Innersloth’s developers. Yesterday, they released a developer blog explaining why development and updates are taking so long, and telling fans a little bit about what’s going on behind the scenes.

“Between us has gained amazing traction so late in 2020 that we didn’t expect it, and that means a lot of change for us,” The developers say. “Not only did we need to get back to work on a game between us after thinking it was done, but we also needed to prepare ourselves more sustainably to work on the game. We only had to spend two months restructuring, exploring new processes, and acquiring external partners. To help us manage on board the ship. “

The development team was originally only three people, although they added a fourth this year. They add that they have heard suggestions to hire more people to help, but rushing to bring in new people can be more harmful than beneficial.

All of these organizational things mean that they need to spend time away from the game, but ultimately it all means development will be a little easier in the future.

Thank you so much for your patience as you await the next big update! Add Innersloth. “We want to do more for you to show you how grateful we are, but without sacrificing the quality and values ​​we had before this explosion.”

To that end, they will unveil a 2021 roadmap between Us soon so people can have a better idea of ​​what’s to come. It also gives a little reminder of that New airship map for the game It will arrive early this year. The arithmetic system is on the way too, and the first update will focus on moderation so you can report people in-game if the need arises.

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