The James Webb Telescope captures a “flaming hourglass” in the universe

The James Webb Telescope captures a “flaming hourglass” in the universe
The James Webb Telescope captures a “flaming hourglass” in the universe
The image was taken with an infrared camera. | Image: NASA.

The James Webb Space Telescope managed to capture Image of a protostar in the form of an hourglass In the vastness of the dark universe.

that it A protostar hidden within the dark cloud L1527which is located in the star-forming region of Taurus and which, when captured by a near-infrared webcam, has shown its distinctive shape in “sand clock”.

According to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)the protostar itself is hidden from view within the “neck” of this form of “sand clockBut their light filters above and below the protoplanetary disk at the edge as a dark line in the center, illuminating cavities within the surrounding gas and dust.

The Container He showed that the region’s most pervasive features, the blue and orange clouds, outline cavities that are created when material from the protostar shoots off and collides with surrounding matter.

According to the space agency, the colors are caused by layers of dust in between James Webb and clouds. The blue areas are where the dust is thinnest, while the orange pockets are where the dust layer is thickest.

Image of the protostar within the dark cloud L1527. | Image: NASA.

The James Webb Telescope It also revealed the molecular hydrogen filaments that were affected at protstar Material is expelled from it, about this, NASA explained that “shocks and turbulence prevent the formation of new stars,” otherwise they would form throughout the cloud. As a result, the protostar takes over space and is left with a lot of material.

According to experts, this view of L1527 provides a window into What the sun and the solar system looked like in his childhood.

experts Container They ensure that despite the havoc caused by cloud L1527, it is only about 100,000 years old, making it a relatively young object.

In fact, due to its age and brightness in far infrared light observed by missions such as the Infrared Astronomical Satellite, L1527 is considered protstar Class 0, which is the first stage of star formation.

The stars Such ones, still shrouded in a dark cloud of dust and gas, have a long way to go before they become full-fledged stars.

“L1527 has not yet generated its own energy through nuclear hydrogen fusion, which is a fundamental feature of stars. Although its shape is mostly spherical, it is also unstable, taking the form of a small lump of hot, swollen gas somewhere between 20 and 40 percent. of the mass of our sun.”

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