Trick for an Android device to say the name of your caller

Trick for an Android device to say the name of your caller

Currently we have smart phone He is the best ally. It makes our life more practical by having endless tools. But sometimes we forget that it is also a device used to communicate through it calls. That’s why this time at Tech Bit we are participating the trick so that you cell phone Android tell you name who is calling you.

whether you do not have cell phone near you or you are busy with other activities, it has surely occurred to you that you are wondering whether it is worth answering a communicate Or not, which is that, in addition to being a practical function, one of the reasons this option is so attractive to users is the security issue, the ability to select a spam call and not at another time answer the salesperson for whom you’ve told 20 times you don’t want their product .

No need to worry anymore, because it is configured file Telephone You can have it tell you who’s calling without having to see the screen. The best thing is that you do not need to download any application that can put your security at risk.

Steps to follow so that your cell phone says the name of the person calling you

First, remember that the steps below only work on devices Android. Also, it is worth noting that it is not an option in all cases, if the model cell phone Old, you may not be able to access these settings.

Let’s go with the instructions:

1- You must enter the “Settings” menu in some of them smart phones You find it under “Settings”. To identify it, it is the gear wheel symbol.

2- Once you get there, go to Accessibility, which features a person-shaped icon.

3- Later choose “Interaction and Skill”.

4- In the Interactions section you will see “Answer / End calls‘, select this option.

5- will appearRead the names out loudYou have to click on the circle that appears on the side, this will indicate whether it is activated or deactivated, and as soon as it changes color, it means that it is enabled correctly.

6- Very important, if you click on the text, the option to allow ‘always’, ‘bluetooth or headphones’ will open.

Photo: Android mobile phone

After performing all the above steps, each time a file communicate For some contacts, you will still hear your traditional tone, only now, during playback, a voice will tell you name Therefore, try to write this data correctly in your storage, because if it contains strange signs Android You will read it differently.

What if it is an unknown number? The Android voice will take care of telling you the number.

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How do you block calls?

If you want to take more strict measures to protect your security and want them not to enter calls For certain unknown numbers that call you frequently, you can block them.

You should know that to perform this procedure you need to download a file apps known as google phonewhich is available at Play Storealthough some Hardware They included it from the factory.

Once you have the tool:
1. Enter Implementationselect the three dots in the upper right corner.
2. Go to “Settings”, then “ID communicate and spam.”
3. Finally, activate “Show Sender ID and Spam”, “Filter calls of spam “and”calls Verified”.

Changes will be saved and when someone calls you, you will not only know who it is but also Telephone It will be able to warn you if it’s a spam number.

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