Turkish Federation attacks Barcelona for not surrendering to Sertak Sanli

Turkish Federation attacks Barcelona for not surrendering to Sertak Sanli

In Turkey they are the ones who roam with Barcelona. The Basketball Association of that country issued a public statement harshly accusing FC Barcelona for its alleged refusal to surrender. Certak Sanli To his choice, who on Sunday plays against him Britain vitality in their aspirations Qualification for the 2023 World Cup. The entity that presided over the former NBA Hedo Turkoglu He does not understand that Barcelona has given permission to Brandon Davis To join choose Uganda It did not do the same with Sanli and Turkey.

Certak Sanliwho plays in F.C.B In the Spanish League, you will not be able to play in the match of our national team against Britain Because of his club’s refusal,” says the statement, which adds that “the Turkish Basketball Federation has transferred its dispute in this regard to Fiba The necessary steps have been taken.” Sanli It was even used to promote Sunday’s match against Britain.

In theory, clubs are obligated to hand over their players to their national teams if they request it and risk penalties if they refuse, although this has never happened in recent years of conflict between clubs. Euroleague s Fiba.

Since a week Barcelona He admitted receiving a communication from the Turkish Federation to summon Sanli In response to questions from Mundo Deportivo, FC Barcelona stated that it would leave the decision “in the player’s hands”.

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Taking into account the reaction of the Turkish Federation or the Barcelona I retracted this official position and objected to the march Sanli To play with his team or put the axis itself Barcelona As a shield to justify his decision not to play for Turkey.

Comparison of cases Davis s Sanli He’s bleeding, because the former was able to go with him Uganda Despite the fact that this means missing a match Euroleague Friday against him Zalgiris. SanliWhoever was in that match could have joined his team’s call this Saturday and play tomorrow’s game without being forced to miss any match with him. Barcelona.

Azulgrana, Brandon Davies, on Friday with the Uganda national team.


Apparently, in case Davis Being in this FIBA ​​window with Uganda agreed with him Barcelona Since last September, the player has already shown a desire to be now with his adoption team. Possibility of losing a passport Uganda (which allows you to play as Cotonou Without taking an additional place in the community in the Endesa League) it would have facilitated the approval of FC Barcelona.

Davis He played yesterday in his team’s defeat to Financial 76-66 (24 points, 16 rebounds in 37 minutes) and he’ll do it again today (against green head) and tomorrow (against Nigeria).

Turkey Yes, this Sunday will be against Great Britain with Shane Larkin (Anatolian Ephesus) Melih Mahmudoglu (Fenerbahce), who missed Turkey’s match against Belarus on Thursday after having to play for their teams Euroleague But once the commitments of their clubs were challenged, they later joined the national team.

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