UCAM sends health professionals and equipment to Uganda – Cartagena News

UCAM sends health professionals and equipment to Uganda – Cartagena News

UCAM sends professionals and equipment health care in uganda

Theor does Across to me non Governmental Organization world project who – which Organized a new expedition to the African country of eight members, three of them that they Professors of the Catholic University of Murcia, The organization that helped fund the work and to equip A new clinic provides free health care to residents of the area kikaya

Murcia, 31/ 08/2022

boxes full of hopeYou have from campus Catholic University of Murcia to Uganda Next to he isfor an expedition formed by Nurses Manuel Pardo, MD, vice dean for a residency in podiatry at UCLA. Julio Fonzi s the doctor assumption peep, professors from the Catholic University of Murcia; Manuel Luc, President of the NGO world project; Daphne Granado (physiotherapist); pleaseFine (Doctor); and Emergency Health Technicians, Ruben Gabaron and Gustavo Lopezwhich will develop for several weeksHand in hand with NGOs Globalismsproject,various humanitarian works.

The Catholic University of Murcia, an institution that promotes and cooperates with works of solidarity in different parts of the world, helped to finance part of the work and to equip A new clinic provides free health care to residents of the area kikaya(Uganda). Even there they will transport medical materials They will transfer Training the local team on various diseases and emergency and emergency procedures. This year’s training will focus on sutures, plaster fixation, performance, electron and ultrasound interpretation and assistance on deliveries, as this region has a high birth rate and a high perinatal mortality rate for mothers and children.

In the international cooperation carried out last year in kikaya They prepared an ambulance, an emergency clinic and trained health workers, as they were already able to get a stable team with a doctor, two nurses and a midwife. In addition, during their stay, patients who could not go to a health center due to their health or age, were treated in their homes and taken to clinic and hospitals.

Manuel Luc, president of the NGO World Project so happy because “The training to be offered to professionals in Uganda would be impossible without this expedition. These teachers From UCAM on Earth is invaluable because Its effects have a more lasting effect since then After he leaves, patients in the community continue to benefit from the knowledge gained by health professionals in the area.”

Manuel Brown highlight The importance of the Catholic University facilitating and promoting this type of initiative: “Being a professor at UCNA is much more than teaching or publishing a scholarly article. It is also important to enhance our knowledge and values ​​outside the university by helping othersRegarding this campaign, he explained, “This work consists of two parts. for side, We will consult with colleagues therefor Tell them what our approach will be in each case, through which experiences are shared. On the other hand, we will organize by blocks Training workshops and some theoretical classes including clinical simulation.

Sun peepa doctor at 061 and a professor at UCAM, was already in Uganda in 2021 and is repeating this year because “It is something I have always wanted to do. The experience was very good with both the clinic staff and the residents there and that is why I decided to come back to continue this project.” “We will continue to provide materials for the clinic that is being established there,” the doctor explained. have a lot of illusion por see progress which isBecause when we arrived we started from scratch andn in terms of materials and training and we want you to tell us how the year went and what you need in terms of trainingation and equipment”.

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