Watch the top 5 Mexican political films

Watch the top 5 Mexican political films

Netflix in Mexico wants to continue to be one of the largest streaming platforms and in the context of the elections that took place in the Mexican country, the company left an open list of the best films related to politics and in the next note we will tell you what they are.

But it is worth noting that some of these productions are based on real events such as when the Chinese were expelled from the state of Sonora, indicating that they were guilty of most of the diseases that began to spread in the 1930s.

Knowing a little bit what Netflix has to offer you, we leave you with a complete list and a brief summary of the political movies you can watch during the month of June on the streaming platform.

Politics movies on Netflix

ideal dictatorship

The “ideal dictatorship” is an outspoken criticism of the government of Enrique Peña Nieto, then President of Mexico; In addition, it deals with the topic of the corruption network that I created with Televisa, the most important media company in America.


“Sonora” tells us the story of the expulsion of the Chinese from the state of Sonora, noting that they were guilty of most of the diseases that began to spread in 1930; At the same time, the United States began mass deportations of Mexicans and closed its southern border.

Dance of the 41

The Mexican film directed by David Pablos, written by Monica Rivella and produced by Pablo Cruz, depicts a real-life event that took place in Mexico City, where after a police raid on a dance of 42 men dressed in women’s clothing at the time of 1901, they are arrested.


This film, hosted by the broadcasting giant, stars Paco Ignacio Taipo II; In this production, Taibo highlights the history of Mexico between 1854 and 1867, a period he considers central to the country.

Crime Story: Colosseo

This Netflix original production, which chronicles the assassination of presidential candidate, Luis Donaldo Colosseo Morita; The series was produced by Dynamo.

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